Monday, September 22, 2008


Monday -- Have to tell myself the days as, like traveling, seminars can turn into non-days, time passes differently.

The seminar I attended today was all right, not earth shattering. It was about new and emerging leaders so it was a lot of goal setting, communication, etc. Stuff that wasn't new. The positives from this will be the seminar leader was a consultant from Billings who will be a good resource and the conversation I had with to EDs from Helena and Big Sandy who gave me advice about my situation at work: 1) Cover my butt on the things I've accomplished so I can't be let go for negligence, 2) know my job description intimately, and 3) it wouldn't hurt to apply for Habitat for Humanity job. There was a very good video in the seminar that was touching.

I had breakfast this morning in the hotel restaurant and I had the cheapest thing I could find on the menu pretty much and it was a lot a food but I don't think I can afford to do that two more
times. For dinner I went again to Wendy's, actually I walked over so that was good exercise after being cooped up all day, and didn't grab utinsils for my chili -- I'm used to having it all put in the bag via the drive through, so stupid me. But will do this or the MacDonalds across the street from there to keep saving on costs. Lunch was good today, a taco salad thing, way better than the lunch at last year's conference -- I believe it was really uninspiring chicken. I should go to the lounge area this evening but don't really know other people yet so I would feel awkward and much prefer to read my email and relax in the room.

I ran into Kim Albright this afternoon. I shouldn't be surprised and she and Mary whatshername are always at these things like I am. Why do I not like that girl? It's like the dislike toward cheerleaders in high school or something. I think she's a fake and has things handed to her. Ugh. But, I wouldn't be above asking for a ride from them to get to the reception thing tomorrow. Ha.

I'm sitting in the hotel room this evening and once again I'm sucked into a stupid movie on HBO while I'm on the Internet. Last night was actually a guilty pleasure: The Devil Wears Prada. Tonight it's just stupid: Words and Lyrics or whatever the title is with Drew Barrymore and Hugh Grant. Why is it that the older actors get the younger the female love interest gets?

Reading: Not much today but I'll try to get a little in before turning out the lights.

I spoke to Steve this morning, after work (his) and just before bed now. I miss my boys. I haven't decided yet whether on Wednesday to stick through the whole conference which will end around 3-ish which will then get me home around 7 or if I should leave after my presentation which would then get me home around 4. I still need to get together with someone in charge to go over what technically I need to do for my presentation. I shouldn't be afraid to jump into those conversations.

I didn't sleep well last night. Maybe the unfamiliar bed/room. Hopefully tonight I'll make up for it. Tomorrow morning's sessions starts about an hour earlier.

I LOVE those eTrade commercials featuring that talking baby. Brilliant, well dubbed, genius and funny.

All right, San Diego is beating the Jets, it's after 9:00 so I'm going to shut things down and read for a little bit.

See y'all tomorrow...
Much love,
PK the Bookeemonster

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