Friday, August 10, 2012


We had a thunderstorm this morning and bit of a gulleywasher. The sky was a strange yellow-ish in color because of the clouds and haziness from a fire somewhere. The rain seemed to dry up very fast even on the concrete. It is really overcast now again. The smoky haze is wreaking havoc with my allergies. I've taken a Zyrtec but eyes, I think, are being affected and I had sore throat for a day or so until I took the allergy medicine. How inconvenient.
Got groceries after work and picked up dinner from Quiznos. I watched Say Yes to the Dress. Otherwise, I’m hoping to get some good reading done (I haven’t been doing that very much since going back to work).
I’m spreading the gospel of THE HUNGER GAMES. Just got my books back from a coworker who had them for a long while and now I'm lending them to a new coworker so her daughter can read books two and three. Spread the books! Yes, I’m an enabler.

But now, I'm super tired. I haven't been on my feet in one go for so long (grocery shopping, unloading, trying to locate Ryker) so I'll finish this, read for a wee bit and then get some sleep.

Much love,
PK the Bookeemonster

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