Monday, May 26, 2014

Thank goodness there's no "school" today

So how did you spend your long holiday weekend, PK? Oh, it's kind of a blur ... by having an awful cold. Yesterday afternoon I apparently tipped over the other side and started feeling human again but I've coughed so hard the muscles around my ribs are so sore it hurts to cough, or blow my nose. Still don't have a lot of energy but then I'm not doing a whole lot either. And now Steve's got it. And blames me. Yeah, on my second day of being sick I worked nine hours (I don't get to have a lunch when I cover for the receptionist).  Can I get him to sit on a riding lawn mower for an hour? We'll see.

Anyway ..... I have gotten a lot of good reading done because when you can't sleep for long periods of time that's what you do! There is always a silver lining.

I'm trying to at least get some laundry done and not really look at the rest of the house. :)

I don't know yet what I'll be reading next. I'm holding auditions.

Much love,
PK the Bookeemonster

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