Monday, November 7, 2016

Daylight Savings ended. It's Monday. What's happening?

Daylight Savings ended. Brighter in the morning but probably dark when driving home. The dogs don't do the change very well.

We went to see the new Jack Reacher movie on Saturday.

Not bad. I do give Tom Cruise kudos for always delivering an action movie worth watching and for apparently not doing anything to be younger -- he's aging and his face shows it.

Cowboys won yesterday. Woot! 7 and 1.

Currently reading MURDER ON WAVERLY PLACE by Victoria Thompson. 11th of 19 in series featuring Sarah Brandt, a midwife in turn-of-the-20th-century New York City.

Midwife and sleuth Sarah Brandt and Detective Sergeant Frank Malloy must protect Sarah's mother from scandal after she tries to contact her dead daughter during a séance that sends one of the attendees into the afterlife. But first, they have to determine how the woman was murdered in the pitch dark when all the suspects were holding hands.
 Published in 2009, it has 304 pages. 

As of today, I'm doing a personal news blackout until after the election. For my sanity.

My psychic medium friend stated months ago how it was going to turn out. I'll see what happens on Wednesday. I don't believe you can predict the future with accuracy due to so many variables and human free will.

See you later

Much love,
PK the Bookeemonster

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