Friday, February 16, 2018


No Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. tonight because of the Olympics.

However, we do have the new Strike Back series on Cinemax in the meantime.

Episode 3:

The search for Jane Lowry in Budapest reveals she has ties to Magyar Ultra, a white-nationalist gang led by Rosa Varga and her loose-cannon brother, Josef, and has enlisted the faction to kidnap a Russian chemical-weapons expert. Meanwhile, Mac poses as an MMA

I was signed up for a two-day class this weekend but I will have to forego it. I've gotten half the cupboards and drawers cleaned out in the kitchen. Have to do the other half this weekend.

I finished the Bengtsson book. Back to the Huber and I may add a second. We'll see how it goes timing wise.

And nap when I can.

Have a good weekend

Much love,
PK the Bookeemonster

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