Monday, October 7, 2024



I finished Clayton and Mindi's wedding bedspread!! A week early.

Here's a couple photos:

Done and will be gifted this week.

But next...

I finished reading JUNPER WILES by Charles de Lint. 4 stars

I started and finished THE RIGHT ATTITUDE TO RAIN by Alexander McCall Smith. 3rd of 15 in series.

When friends from Dallas arrive in Edinburgh and introduce Isabel to Tom Bruce – a bigwig at home in Texas – several confounding situations unfurl at once. Tom’s young fiancĂ©e’s roving eye leads Isabel to believe that money may be the root of her love for Tom. But what, Isabel wonders, is the root of the interest Tom begins to show for Isabel herself? And she can’t forget about her niece, Cat, who’s busy falling for a man whom Isabel suspects of being an incorrigible mama’s boy. Of course Grace and Isabel’s friend Jamie counsel Isabel to stay out of all of it, but there are irresistible philosophical issues at stake – when to tell the truth and when to keep one’s mouth shut, to be precise – and philosophical issues are meat and drink to Isabel Dalhousie, editor of the Review of Applied Ethics. In any case, she’s certain of the ethical basis for a little sleuthing now and again – especially when the problems involve matters of the heart.

Published 2006; 276 pages.

No sprints tonight.

Have a good day

Much love,

PK the Bookeemonster

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