Saturday, May 23, 2009


Sorry for missing yesterday. Too much to do. I spot cleaned the house and then moved the books I'm getting rid of out to the family room so my sister and BIL could see what they liked. After their visit, I went grocery shopping and then walked Tug and then went over to my parents' for the rest of the day visiting with family. When we got home after 8pm, Steve wanted to watch the movie Taken (starring Liam Neeson). I don't even think I was on the computer more than 5 minutes yesterday which is unusual.

It is perhaps the official start to the Memorial Day Weekend (Some started Wednesday, some Thursday, etc.). The past three days have seen people all over getting ready to go RV-ing. The neighborhood here will most likely be pretty deserted. Steve and I plan to just do nothing. I hope to get a lot of reading time. Because of the cleaning yesterday I really only have laundry to do in terms of chores. The weather, I believe, is supposed to get up in the 70s but breezy.

I'm making my way through MARTYR by Rory Clements. I have a book to pick up at the library but not in a rush to get there. I have many many books next in line to read from the personal stack.

Today's Blog/Website of the Day is Knock 'Em Dead found at This is "a forum hosted by the Independent Mystery Booksellers Association for mystery authors and mystery booksellers to share ideas about what makes mysteries fun to read and easy to sell."
Enjoy the long weekend!
Much love,
PK the Bookeemonster

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