Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Current Events - July 1, 2014


PK'S NOTE: It is jaw-dropping and pathetic how the left is responding to the Hobby Lobby decision -- like the world is ending. I've been doing what I can on Facebook by responding to friends' posts with the facts: Hobby Lobby's health plan already provided 16 contraceptives of the 20 Obamacare requires. They are opting out of the remaining four which lead to the abortion of life, like the morning after pill. The ruling stated that these remaining four are easily available through existing government programs so women who work for Hobby Lobby aren't being denied anything. In fact, minimum wage at Hobby Lobby is $14/hour so employees on their own probably could afford the $9/month for the prescription for any of the four abortifacients. Everyone is taking away something here in this narrow ruling. But the left is using this to strike fear and loathing in their constituents. If you want to be productive, spread the facts.

Megyn Kelly Takes On Sandra Fluke

By Katie Frates
...“So it’s a lot of corporations that could be affected, but only those who feel strongly about their religious beliefs,” Kelly explained. “Those folks aren’t going to have to provide abortion-related drugs: drugs that terminate an already-fertilized egg. That’s the only — out of 20 birth-control drugs that are available, they still have to cover 16. They just said we don’t want to fund those forms of birth control that end a fertilized egg.”
She charged on, barely letting O’Reilly get a word in, focusing on former United States Secretary of Health And Human Services Kathleen Sebelius: American women “were buying their own [birth control]; for the past 20 years and beyond, they’ve been buying their own. And then what happened was we passed Obamacare. And then Kathleen Sebelius had some of her HHS minions go down in the basement and write a regulation that said as part of Obamacare, you have to cover 20 out of 20 birth-control drugs — 20 out of 20. And then women like Sandra Fluke started saying, ‘I’m entitled. Oh my God, I didn’t realize how victimized I was all those years when I was paying for it on my own.’”
“And Hobby Lobby, which is an evangelical company, came out and said, ‘Alright, we’ll do it, we’ll do it for all of it except four that end a fertilized egg,’ going forward” Kelly said.
“The Supreme Court said, ‘You’re right,’” Kelly concluded. “This [Religious Freedom Restoration Act] law passed by President [Bill] Clinton, that all those Democrats who are now rejecting signed on to — also voted for — that law protects you, Hobby Lobby, and Kathleen Sebelius’s minions in the basement don’t get to take your rights away from you.”

Democrat Pastor Accuses Thad Cochran Campaign of Vote-for-Pay Scheme

By Matthew Boyle
A black Mississippi pastor has emerged to claim Sen. Thad Cochran's (R-MS) campaign paid “thousands” of Democrats $15 each to vote in the June 24 GOP runoff – and that he was part of the scheme.
Rev. Stevie Fielder, an associate pastor at First Union Missionary Baptist Church in Meridian, Mississippi, says Cochran's campaign “told me to offer blacks $15 each and to vote for Thad.”
...Fielder, a Democrat, says he has voted for Republicans in the past and that his motive to come forward with this information at this time is that he now thinks what he did was “wrong.” He says he was mostly motivated by the claims—which he now understands are untrue—that McDaniel was a racist, not by the money. “Definitely the election should not be allowed to stand,” Fielder said, adding that he’d support McDaniel in the event a judge orders a new runoff election as a result of alleged voter fraud. “He’s been done wrong,” Fielder said of McDaniel. “He’s not what they said that he is.”
In his interview with Johnson’s Got News outlet, Fielder says Baird was just one of the several Cochran staffers he interacted with about this matter pre-election. Fielder claims in his interview with Mr. Johnson that he also discussed the alleged vote buying matter with Cochran’s campaign manager Kirk Sims and a woman named “Amanda.”
...While at this time it is unclear whether Cochran’s campaign’s alleged actions rise to the level of either of these statutes, federal and state law prohibit the purchasing of votes. Mississippi’s statute that prohibits vote buying states that any candidate engaged in such a practice should disqualified from running in that race for the office or shall be removed from that office if they have been elected into it.
But as to whether Cochran himself—the “candidate,” per Mississippi law—would be responsible for the actions of his campaign staffers, election law attorney Trey Traynor of Beirne, Maynard & Parsons, LLP told Breitbart News that “clearly yes,” Mississippi’s “statutes applies to candidates and their agents.”

Court Grants Judicial Watch Hearing over Missing IRS Emails

By Tom Fitton
Judicial Watch filed a Motion for Status Conference in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia to confer about the emails of Lois Lerner and other IRS officials, which were the subject of longstanding Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests and a lawsuit, and which the IRS now claims to have “lost” (Judicial Watch v. IRS (No. 1:13-cv–1559)). U.S. District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan almost immediately granted our request and ordered a federal court hearing on the missing IRS emails be set for July 10!

Border Patrol Agents Catching Chicken Pox, Scabies, & TB from Flood of Illegals Crossing Border

Obama Vows to Unilaterally Change as Many Immigration Laws as He Can

By Tony Lee
With thousands of illegal immigrant children – some of whom may belong to dangerous gangs – flooding across the border and possibly bringing contagious diseases with them, President Barack Obama on Monday vowed to change as many of the country's immigrations laws as possible on his own.
Speaking at the Rose Garden with Vice President Joe Biden behind him, Obama acknowledged the recent "surge of unaccompanied children" and said the immigration rules are so "unclear" that "folks don't know what the rules are." He then promptly vowed to "fix as much of our immigration system as I can on my own, without Congress."
The president, who has repeatedly boasted about his "phone and a pen" strategy, said he does not like issuing executive actions but would do so anyway if Congress does not give him the bills he wants.
Obama said he would begin to move "resources from our interior to our border" and ask Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson and Attorney General Eric Holder to send him recommendations for additional unilateral actions that he can take before the end of summer. Obama said he would adopt their ideas "without further delay." 

Obama has got to be kidding

By Ed Lasky
He actually said this: the system “is so broken” that “folks don’t know what the rules are."

He was referring to the children’s crusade on our borders that has caused chaos as tens of thousands of people try to illegally enter America - a crisis he has created by lax, or no-enforcement, of our immigration laws and by issuing executive orders that basically re-created the Dream Act - a law that could not pass Congress.

But the statement was just stunning in its disingenuousness and yet another example of the most hypocritical president in American history.

...Barack Obama openly boasts he intends to circumvent Congress by use of executive orders, signing statements, recess appointments and the like. These are extraordinary methods that have been abused by this president. And that is why the Supreme Court has increasingly come to reject his tactics and his cavalier approach toward laws (i.e., rules established by our system).

One could go on and on about the systems he has broken on his way to “fundamentally transform America." Our systems of alliances sare damaged. Can friends trust us anymore? Those folks don’t know what the rules are. Allies like Poland and the Czech Republic, England, the Ukraine, Israel - the list of friends who don’t know what the rules are is ever going. 

Americans have no idea what Obama’s proxies in the EPA, Department of Justice, and the IRS are going to do to them. The IRS was not supposed to release private tax records - that was a rule - but it was broken by Obama allies. It's the law that the IRS was never supposed to engage in partisan and predatory hunting of conservatives to restrict their First Amendment rights. The filibuster was an age-old custom that was meant to protect minority political parties in the Senate and moderate overreach. But Senate Majority leader, Harry Reid, abolished that rule. The Senate system is clearly broken, too.

So it is certainly true that we can relate to Obama’s complaint that “folks don’t know what the rules are." But we Americans are the ones who should complain that he and his liberal allies are the ones breaking the systems and creating anarchy.

The hypocrisy of Obama is only matched by the gullibility of the people who still support him.

America's Birthday

By Thomas Sowell
All is not lost. But all could be lost -- especially if too many of us take freedom for granted and focus our attention on other things, like electronic gadgets and the antics of celebrities, while ignoring such dangers as nuclear weapons in the hands of suicidal fanatics, with a track record of savagery, whom we are too squeamish to call anything stronger than "militants."
Nor are all the dangers abroad. Birthdays are supposed to be times for celebration and gift-giving. But America's upcoming birthday on the Fourth of July is a time when the gift most needed is an urgent warning about the dangers of losing the things that have made this country America -- and have long made "America" a ringing word of freedom, not only in this country but to people around the world.
When a former Speaker of the House of Representatives announces that she is going down to our border to greet and welcome masses of people crossing that border illegally, you know that something is fundamentally wrong.
No one knows, or apparently cares, how many of these "children" include teenage criminal gangs to whom murder is no big deal. Worst of all, no one knows, or apparently cares, that the elected representatives of the American people were cut out of the loop when it came to making these decisions.
All that matters to people like Nancy Pelosi is the symbolism of welcoming the oppressed, especially if they represent more votes for Democrats, who will shower the taxpayers' money on them.
As if to make clear the elite's contempt for ordinary Americans' intelligence, President Obama tells us that the people crossing the border "love" America. How could he possibly know that, any more than he could know how to "invest" the taxpayers' money in "the industries of the future," which have in fact gone bankrupt?
What is involved are not just bad policy choices. What is involved are policies imposed unilaterally by the president, in defiance of Congress' authority to legislate and in contempt of the Constitution's separation of powers -- on which all our freedoms ultimately depend.
The people who wrote the Constitution of the United States understood what dangers there are to the freedom of the people -- and that freedom can be quietly eroded by degrees, rather than taken all at once.
Too many people today seem oblivious to such dangers. So what if the government used the muscle of the Internal Revenue Service to keep groups opposed to the Obama administration tied up in red tape or litigation in an election year? Enough games like that can make our elections meaningless.
This arrogant abuse of power does not end with the federal government. In Massachusetts, teenager Justina Pelletier was taken from her parents' custody and held virtually incommunicado for over a year, because her parents preferred to continue to have her treated as the physicians at a medical facility associated with Tufts University had treated her, even though shrinks at Children's Hospital in Boston said her problems were in her head, and took her off some of her medications.
This difference of opinion as to the best medical treatment for Justina Pelletier was enough to get a judge to side with headstrong bureaucrats and override her parents' rights. So a girl who was ice skating before ended up in a wheelchair under the "care" of shrinks.
Fortunately, enough media attention, especially by former governor Mike Huckabee on Fox News Channel, finally got this child freed. Perhaps we can hope that all is not lost -- yet. But if this case is a symbol of Americans fighting back, it is also a symbol of why it is desperately important to fight back.
That spirit is the best birthday present for America.

Admit It: We Wackos are the Problem

By Christopher Chantrill
...The liberals are right. The GOP establishment is right. We conservatives and tea party activists, we are the problem. We right-wingnut racist-sexist-homophobes want to tear down the whole corrupt edifice of servile benefits and crony ExIm Banks and print-the-government-out-of-a-jam Keynesian economics and the censorship of conservative speech. All the beautiful people are telling us to be sensible, kowtow to the liberal gods and maybe they will toss out a bit of the loot to us every now and again.
But that's the point. We aren't sensible, and we don't want to be. We have a vision, a faith in a society of responsible individualism, where people rise above the instincts of power politics, of going along to get along, of cadging free stuff in the wake of a powerful patron. We want a society where you don't have to truckle to a powerful patron. We want a world where ordinary people get ahead on talent and hard work, not by checking boxes on some diversity form. And we believe in a government that is limited in its powers.
We believe, following Matt Ridley, in the idea of collective mind, millions of people individually and responsibly committing acts of production, barter, and exchange without benefit of liberals. We say you can keep your benefits, your subsidies, and your too-big-to-fail crony capitalism.
Of course our liberal friends believe in stuff too. They believe in enlightenment and liberation and emancipation, and the wonders of a top-down administrative state run by the best people, conservatives need not apply. They think that you can get to the Blessed Isles of liberation and emancipation under the tutelage of Big Government, under a president that thinks that the wonders of government reduce to a man with a phone and a pen. Good luck to them on that.
OK, so conservatives and Tea Partiers are “the problem,” but what do we do?
We do nothing. Our situation is the same as the German people two hundred years ago. Chaps like Kant and Herder and Hegel and Engels and Marx were fizzing with ideas and wanting to make things happen. But nothing happened until the kings and prince-bishops and counts and margraves got unbalanced by the French Revolution and then badly knocked about in the Napoleonic Wars and the Industrial Revolution. Only then could a new ruling class, powered by all the ideas of the Kants, the Herders, and the Marxes, shoulder aside the old order.
It's a pity that so many of those ideas sucked.
Our job is to have the best ideas around, keep them fizzing, and make sure that the ideas are pitched to solve the problems of the next ruling class after the end of the late great authoritarian welfare state. Politics is downstream from culture.
Here we are, we awful problematical conservatives, and we are here to stay. It would be all quiet on the Western front if it weren't for us. Ain't that a shame!
You know something else? We are the people, the troublesome people, that actually live the liberal conceit of speaking truth to power. And unless we keep doing that, nothing will change.

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