Monday, September 23, 2019

No kidding

And we're back.

And it's the first day of Fall!

And it's the first day of new Fall TV season. I don't really have anything on Mondays but I will check out a new show tonight. Called Prodigal Son.

Malcolm Bright knows how killers think and how their minds work, because his father, Dr. Martin Whitly, was one of the most notorious serial killers, called “The Surgeon.” Alongside his longtime mentor, Gil Arroyo, and detectives Dani Powelland JT Tarmel, he helps the NYPD solve crimes by profiling killers, while also dealing with a manipulative mother, Jessica Whitly, an annoyingly normal sister, Ainsley Whitly and a homicidal father still looking to bond with his prodigal son.

I like Michael Sheen and I like Tom Payne from The Walking Dead and I like criminal profiling. We'll see how it goes.

Last night, I finally finished the 1000+ fantasy book I was reading. I'm not sure what I'm reading next.

And that's about it.

Have a good day

Much love,
PK the Bookeemonster

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