Thursday, September 12, 2019

Super hero landing ... nailed it!

Almost to the weekend.

Steve hasn't been feeling well the last couple days so I'll make him some soup tonight, we'll watch a little of the football game. I've been reading most nights so I may do that again or I could bead.

Just starting reading TO GREEN ANGEL TOWER by Tad Williams. 3rd in Memory Sorrow and Thorn trilogy.

The evil minions of the undead Sithi Storm King are beginning their final preparations for the kingdom-shattering culmination of their dark sorceries, drawing King Elias ever deeper into their nightmarish, spell-spun world. As the Storm King’s power grows and the boundaries of time begin to blur, the loyal allies of Prince Josua struggle to rally their forces at the Stone of Farewell. There, too, Simon and the surviving members of the League of the Scroll have gathered for a desperate attempt to unravel mysteries from the forgotten past. For if the League can reclaim these age-old secrets of magic long-buried beneath the dusts of time, they may be able to reveal to Josua and his army the only means of striking down the unslayable foe....

Published 1993; 1083 pages. I'll probably be reading this one for a while given the number of pages. I remember when this was out in paperback the first time I read it, this third book was released as a two-parter.

Have a good day

Much love,
PK the Bookeemonster

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