Friday, August 20, 2021

So, got any plans? Oh, not much ....


I'm planning to stop by the bead store tomorrow. I haven't been there on a Saturday I think in about a month. Steve doesn't have anything going on so he can stay with the boys. 


I don't know exactly what I'll be working on. Maybe some of the Found Objects Challenge. Maybe I'll start something new.


I'm currently reading RUMORS OF WAR by Jake Elwood. 1st of 5 in Green Zone War, an SFF series.


Tom Thrush thinks Basic Officer Training is tough – until he joins the frigate Kestrel and finds out what tough really means. The crew resents him. The First Officer is actively hostile. As the ship hunts pirates in deep space Tom struggles to fit in and wonders if things can get any worse.... They can.
A devastating attack leaves the ship crippled with half the crew dead or dying. The senior officers are wiped out, leaving a terrified sublieutenant in the last place he wants to be ... In command.

 Published 2018; 375 pages.

 Otherwise, just the usual stuff this weekend.


 Have a good weekend


Much love,

PK the Bookeemonter

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