Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Not coming out until Mercury retrograde is over



Steve has the gun range tonight. When he gets home he can have leftover things. I didn't have soup for today's meal because I was rather hungry yesterday evening. I had a salad today to boost the nutrition. Tomorrow I'll have some of the soup but I'll include some almonds or cashews and more noodles versus broth in order to get enough to get me through the day. 


 There wasn't bead group today because most of the four to five people who do Wednesdays had other things going on. Jim has been out of town, Patt said she was at a doctor's appointment with her husband, and I think Ann has wedding things for her granddaughter (?) or daughter (?) this weekend so she's got stuff going on all week. I went to the grocery store to pick up some spices I was getting low on, stock up on lime juice, and splurged on flank steak again so I can have my Thai Beef Salad this weekend.


 Really, all I feel like doing tonight is reading. I did get a second wind yesterday night and then I woke at 3am-ish and didn't fall properly asleep after that.


 On the plus side, I'm not draggy tired like I was yesterday. 


 Gotta get back to stuff.  By the way, this is the last day of summer. Yay!

Have a good day


Much love,

PK the Bookeemonster

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