Monday, November 7, 2022

Mondays like ...


It was a pretty good weekend. I got my Found Objects for the November challenge:

 I'm not a huge fan of trade beads -- I prefer bling -- but I can probably work with this.

I started a bracelet, a pattern called Pumpkin Tartan:


 The pattern was orange and a bright green. The green just wasn't working for me so I switched out for some Fall colors.

 I finished the Colleen Cambridge book. I figured out whodunnit, which is something I don't normally look for, but one of the clues was a big neon sign to me.

 I'm still two books behind in my reading goal so I'm reading another Murderbot novella. Not a hardship, I enjoy them. ARTIFICIAL CONDITION by Martha Wells. 2nd of 6 in series.

It has a dark past—one in which a number of humans were killed. A past that caused it to christen itself “Murderbot”. But it has only vague memories of the massacre that spawned that title, and it wants to know more. Teaming up with a Research Transport vessel named ART (you don’t want to know what the “A” stands for), Murderbot heads to the mining facility where it went rogue. What it discovers will forever change the way it thinks…

Published 2018; 149 pages. 

 I've been binge watching a travel/food documentary series called Stanley Tucci Searching for Italy. It is total food porn. I'm on episode 6.


 He goes to a different region in Italy each episode and eats the food there. Num. Two seasons, total of ten episodes. I'll be sad when I'm done.

Nothing really going on tonight. I'm making SOS for Steve for dinner. I'm making butternut squash chili for myself for tomorrow's meal. 


 That's about it.


Have a good day


Much love,

PK the Bookeemonster

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