Wednesday, November 2, 2022

What is WITH people today?



Oy, I need to close my door and lock out the world. Cranky icky people today and they're splattering all over me. I don't want to be cranky. 


 In fact, I had one elderly lady customer -- who wasn't happy and we reduced her bill by almost 30% -- tell me to fuck off before she hung up.


 No it isn't. Another customer wanted us to do a service call for free because he couldn't push three buttons to program his remote.


 Steve's got the gun range this evening. It's going to be cooler tomorrow so I think my meal will be a warmer one. I'm thinking of making cabbage roll soup/bowl.


 Only I'll be using shredded cabbage because it's easier and maybe not as much liquid as a soup kind a soup so it will be more filling. 

My vehicle needs to go in the shop - can't get in until Monday - so I'm not going to do any unnecessary driving so not going to the coffee shop today on my lunch. I'm going to stay and either doze with some pleasant music or read because I haven't done a lot of that lately and I really need to. 


And then the usual stuff this evening for me.

Have a good day

Much love,

PK the Bookeemonster

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