Thursday, June 8, 2023

Coffee.... coffffffeeeee.....


 A contender has been chosen! For the "white on cover" prompt for next weekend's scavenger hunt, I'm reading MURDER IN THE WHITE HOUSE by Margaret Truman. 1st of 31 (!) in the Capitol Crimes series.

 Investigating the strangling death of the Secretary of State in the Lincoln Bedroom, White House counsel Ron Fairbanks hears that the Secretary was a womanizer with ties to a glamorous call girl, and finds evidence of unofficial connections with international wheeler-dealers. Fairbanks discovers only a few highly placed insiders had access to the Lincoln Bedroom that fateful evening. And one of them was the president.

Published 1980. 262 pages. Not historical mystery but published in 1980 so shall we say "period". It's very West Wing. It's interesting to see the trust in government and media from that era. The complaint-ish I have is the guy assigned to investigate the murder should be considered a suspect of the murder himself and is too "inner circle" to be assigned this job. I tell myself it's just fiction. But you know me, I love politics and political intrigue.

 I zonked pretty early last night. Nothing special for tonight. I hope to read. It would be nice to start the next afghan block so I can work on it this weekend but I won't plan on it.

Have a good day

Much love,

PK the Bookeemonster

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