Wednesday, June 21, 2023

It doesn't just feel like the longest day ... it is


 One thing I'm excited about today, I'm getting a couple crochet hook sets in the mail. There's a type of crochet called Tunisian. It sorta combines crochet and knitting. In knitting, you transfer loops from one needle to the other, adding rows that way. In crochet, you use one hook, adding rows back and forth, no loops on the hook. In Tunisian crochet, it still uses one hook but the difference is with one pass you put the yarn loops ON the hook and with the second pass you take them off. 

Again, cosmically, I'd love to learn how this all developed over the centuries. Here's photos of each set arriving today, one bamboo with the cords for longer fabric pieces and a metal set. I don't know which I'll like better so I got both.

 Here's what the simple Tunisian stitch looks like.

And from that starting stitch, there are variations to make different patterns. The things I liked best about making beaded jewelry was the variety of stitches in bead weaving one could learn and all the tools. The same with crochet. The creativity is astounding to me.

But tonight I may not play with crochet too much. I'm at 68% of the Nathan Lowell book. I want to finish it tonight. 

 Steve has the gun range.

Have a good day


Much love,

PK the Bookeemonster

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