Thursday, June 1, 2023

Hanging on until Friday


June. A new month. A new month of reading.

 There are lots of little "themes" in the online social media book world. One that I will probably participate in from my group is called "June on the Range" ... westerns in whatever form. It could be reading a classic Western like those by Louis L'Amour and others (I believe that is what the real intent is from the originator). Or it could be, as most of those in the groups I follow, cowboy romances and so forth. Here are some that I'm thinking about:

 After all this searching (which I enjoy immensely I have to admit) I may read one or two ultimately. As usual, it depends on my mood.

Also the scavenger hunts for this month for my group: the first I already mentioned is "summer" and my current read takes care of that. 


The second of the month is prompted with "white on cover". My pick I think will be a historical mystery that I've had for a very long time and have meant to read quite often so this will nudge me.


The prompt can mean anything you want, the word "white", the lettering be white, etc. But this book I've had since 2015. Better late than never.

 So I'm definitely not hurting for choices. I also have the series I'm in the middle of and enjoying. And the library books....

Steve I think is going to go mow the lawn at his parents' house tonight. Looks like I'll read and go to bed.

 Have a good day

Much love,

PK the Bookeemonster

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