Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Thrilled, I assure you




 I have become obsessed with bullet journals. I have been aware for some time that I haven't been keeping up with my reading journal. Like at all. For three years. At the very least.


 And while researching how I wanted to do my regular bullet journal, I've seen YouTube videos of reading journals, specifically. And recently I found a set up that I like to at least get started.

 So yeah. Not only do I want to get caught up on this year ... I want to catch up on past years.


 Yeah, it's not going to happen over night, trust me, I know. But I've kept a book journal since 2000 until the past couple years. I need to get it back up to snuff.


 So why do I keep adding to my plate? These are things that are making me happy. I need to make that a habit for myself.


 Not much planned for the evening. Take care of the boys, feed Steve, stare at the TV until Coda wants out again about 7:30, upstairs to bullet journal or read until bedtime.


 Have a good day


Much love,

PK the Bookeemonster

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