Friday, July 26, 2024



It's almost time for the annual GarbAugust readathon. Last year, I read MAGNOLIA PARKS by Jessa Hastings. There is a certain generation of females on BookTube who are obsessed with this book and its series/world. Obsessed. I tried it so I can form my own opinion.

I meant to read the first Doc Savage pulp book but I never got around to it. Maybe this is the year.

What is GarbAugust? Celebrating and reading those books that YOU deem to be trashy. Perhaps they're so bad they're good. Perhaps they're guilty pleasures. It's entirely subjective. Your judgement.

So I started to compile a list of options that I could get behind. I was thinking pulp mysteries, fun titles, and LitRPG-type SFF. My only caveat is that they're available on Kindle.

For the weekend, I have some library books came up that I need to get going on:

Ohhhhh .... And the James Patterson could be a double whammy: counting as GarbAugust and an August scavenger hunt prompt "Book from a long series". Plus I'm reading the two I'm already in the middle of. 

No plans this weekend other than sprints tomorrow afternoon. Much, much crocheting to be done. Walking Keo, napping, etc. etc.

Have a good weekend

Much love,

PK the Bookeemonster 

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Summer sucks


Reading THE VIVALDI CIPHER by Gary McAvoy. 1st of 8 in Vatican Secret Archives series. 

During the election of a new Pope in the mid-18th century, famed violinist Antonio Vivaldi learns of a ring of art forgers who are replacing the Vatican’s priceless treasures with expertly-painted fakes. Desperate, the composer hides a message in a special melody, hoping someone, someday, will take down the culprits . . . Nearly three hundred years later, the confession of a dying Mafia Don alerts a Venetian priest to a wealth of forged paintings in the Vatican Museum, and the key to their identities lies hidden in a puzzling piece of music. Father Michael Dominic, prefect of the Secret Archives, investigates, and is mystified when he finds a cipher in an old composition from Vivaldi. Desperate to stop this centuries-long conspiracy, he calls on fellow sleuth Hana Sinclair and Dr. Livia Gallo, a music cryptologist, to help him crack the code and learn the truth. But the Camorra, a centuries-old Italian Mafia clan, won’t stand by while some interfering priest ruins their most lucrative operation. Along with a French commando and two valiant Swiss Guards, Dominic explores the dark canals and grand palazzos of Venice to uncover the evidence he needs to stop the sinister plot. Can he unearth it in time, or will the Church’s most valuable artworks fall prey to this massive conspiracy?
Published 2021; 320 pages. You know I love this kind of story. Looks like these same characters are in a previous trilogy. I'm liking it even though the writing is sometimes overly simplistic. I also have this on audio so I can read it while crocheting in the evening or listen to it at work. This may be my scavenger hunt pick for "book from a long series".  

Sprints tonight. Reading, YouTube, crocheting.

Have a good day

Much love,
PK the Bookeemonster

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

It's toooooo hoooooooooooooootttttt


Sarah's shawl. Done-zo. On it's way to Canada - plus a couple books and stuff.

I'm looking for a second read and I don't know what I'm in the mood for. I have a library book but I don't know if it's time for it yet. 

Have I mentioned it's hot today?

No sprints tonight. I'm hoping Steve doesn't have the range - it's 106 today.

Have a good day

Much love,

PK the Bookeemonster Im

Tuesday, July 23, 2024


Tuesday. Receptionist called in sick (headache).

I finished the Donna Andrews book. 3 stars. I remember some of it now. Still reading NAVOLA but looking for something to add to it. I haven't decided yet. Current events have been dirverting.

Strange times. I have thoughts about what's going on but I'm keeping them to myself for now.

Sprints tonight. Crocheting.

Have a good day

Much love,

PK the Bookeemonster

Monday, July 22, 2024

I do not acknowledge Monday

Monday. Service Manager back. A new week.

I've pretty much finished the shawl. I just need to weave in the yarn ends in a couple places. Next, I need to figure out how to ship it to Canada.

Next up - finish the Miranda Christmas blanket which should go quickly. Finish the wedding blanket - more involved. Neither of which can be brought to work to work on during lunch so I'll be starting the Christmas blanket for Kevin. 

Currently reading a library book, WE'LL ALWAYS HAVE PARROTS by Donna Andrews 5th of 36 in series featuring Meg Langslow, decorative blacksmith in a small Virginia town

Meg Langslow knew the fan convention for her actor-boyfriend's hit television series was going to be the ultimate in weird. But she came along because she figured Michael could use an occasional dose of sanity-and because it was an inspired place to sell her hand-crafted weapons. And so far, she was dealing pretty well with the costumed fans camped outside, the batch of escaped parrots and monkeys frolicking throughout the hotel...and the minefield of egos lurking behind the show's success. But soon after Meg goes head-to-head with egomaniacal series star Tamerlaine Wynncliffe-Jones, the "Queen B" turns up brutally murdered. Now, with Michael in the running as prime suspect, Meg will go up against an all-star cast of not-even-innocent parties, hidden identities, and buried motives. And she'll cross swords with a deviously obsessed murderer determined to write her out of this picture for good.

Published 2003; 354 pages. This is actually a re-read for me but I have very little memory of the plot and/or characters.

Still reading NAVOLA. 

No sprints tonight. 

Have a good day

Much love, 

PK the Bookeemonster

Friday, July 19, 2024


Friday. Service manager out all week. 

Once again, no real updates. I mostly viewed the convention coverage this week on YouTube and not as much reading. Last night I ripped a row out on the shawl because I thought I'd made a mistake but apparently, I hadn't. Lost time and wasted effort.

The clock is ticking and I need to get the wedding and Christmas stuff done and more progress. 

Recapping: reading and listening to NAVOLA by Paolo Bacigalupi (fantasy) and L.A. BURNING by D. C. Taylor (crime fiction/thriller). Crocheting an orange shawl for an online friend who is starting the process for a heart transplant but I also need to finish the wedding afghan for our neighbors by October and I've only a skein and a half left to do on one of five Christmas present to be done by December 24th. I have a handful of YouTube book people's videos to catch up on. I'm in the middle of watching Blue Bloods and My Life Is Murder on Amazon Prime.

Sprints tomorrow. Steve has Big Sky State Games event to run tomorrow. I'm reading and crocheting. Walking Keo. Staying out of the heat.

Have a good weekend

Much love,

PK the Bookeemonster

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Eye on the prize: the weekend

Thursday. Service manager out still.

I am planning on listening to the audiobook of L.A. Burning. I started reading it last night and it has grabbed me so far. It's gritty. The female protagonist isn't a "good" girl but she's honest about it. 

Sprints tonight. Crocheting. Watching YouTube. 

Have a good day

Much love,

PK the Bookeemonster