Thursday, June 13, 2024

Having a day


I stayed home from work today because Keo has a wound between his toes on his back foot. He won't put weight on it. He also won't let me tough him or else he screams like a Husky. He hasn't eaten or drunk much. He did go outside in the backyard to pee but then stayed out there for quite a while which I figured was okay since he was resting. Of course, a walk was out of the question today no matter what. I tried to help him up the stairs with the sling that used to be Coda's but after doing that from downstairs where he had followed me when I put a load of laundry in and created a bloody bigger ouch, he didn't want to have anything to do with it. So I figured if he wanted it enough, he'd let me know when he was ready or would do it it himself. He did it himself but then he stayed out on the deck because it seemed he was mad at me for touching him. It's in the 80s today. I left the French door open and he eventually came in mid-afternoon. I'm not going to push helping until Steve gets home so he can hold him to help keep Keo from yelping so much. I have no idea how tomorrow is going to go. I'm really hoping resting it, staying off it for 24 hours for the most part will help him go to work with me. Otherwise, I may have to leave him at the house and I REALLY don't know how that will go, being separated from me because I'm his emotional support person. I could use the sling on Coda who was 95 pounds. I can't do it with Keo who is 124. 

I have sprints tonight. Steve as the Stanley Cup to watch.

Have a good day

Much love, 

PK the Bookeemonster

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