Friday, June 14, 2024

Very tired but huzzah the weekend


Keo update:

After a day of Keo not drinking water or eating and still not putting weight on his leg, I took him to the vet after sprints last night. He had a fever and looking like it was an infection in the wound area of his foot. They sedated him, cleaned it, found a sticker/grass seed thing that caused the problem. I took him home at midnight. I won't go into the keystone cops of trying to get him out of the car, weighing 124 pounds and still stupid groggy from the sedation. Long story short, he had a bad night therefore I had a bad night of very little sleep. 

He's on antibiotics, pain meds, and has to wear the cone of shame again.

There was no way he could get in and out of the car today so he's staying home. He's never been separated from me for that long so that will be an issue possibly. He's also being left outside because last night he preferred it but also we don't want to risk him tearing things up looking for me in the house. I will go home at lunch at 1:00 and stay there. Plus I'm very tired due to lack of sleep and worrying. And there was no way Steve would have been happy with me not being at work for a second day.

So, I'll be keeping him rested this weekend. Obviously, no walks. Very little stairs for a couple days. I've got nothing going on this weekend except sprints tomorrow afternoon. Reading, crocheting, napping. The Chosen episode five is Sunday. I did do some cleaning yesterday so it would be interesting if I could keep that momentum going a bit.

Have a good weekend

Much love,

PK the Bookeemonster

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