Thursday, August 1, 2024

Maybe it will be better if I look at it differently

Thursday. Receptionist out. 

I didn't finish the Banner book yesterday like I had hoped. I lolly gagged and dilly dallied. 

But I got close. Part of my dilemna last night was the yarn for Candy's Christmas shawl. Her favorite color is teal. 

So I have gotten THREE kinds of teal yarn. One is a very blue teal; one is a green teal. One is called teal but is a green and light blue ombre but is SO SOFT. 

I have decided to go with the very soft one. It is amazingly soft. 

Today is the first day of GarbAugust. These are my possibilities once again. Currently reading the Patterson.

I have sprints tonight. Crocheting and listening to audiobook.

Have a good day

Much love,

PK the Bookeemonster

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