Monday, August 26, 2024

Monday ... we are not amused


The weekend was pretty okay. 

I finished the Jen DeLuca. Gave it 2.5 stars. Not impressed, sadly.

I have a new release next week, a science fiction. It's been three years since the prior book came out, the first in the series. I realized yesterday that it might behoove me to re-read that first one as a refresher to what was going on.

Currently listening to the audiobook and re-reading GOVERNOR by David Weber & Richard Fox. 1st of 2 in Ascent to Empire series.  

For more than fifty years, the Terran Republic and the Terran League have been killing one another. The death toll has climbed ever higher, year after year, with no end in sight. But the members of the Five Hundred, the social elite of the Republic’s Heart Worlds, don’t care. Rear Admiral Terrence Murphy is a Heart Worlder. His family is part of the Five Hundred. His wife is the daughter of one of the Five Hundred’s wealthiest, most powerful industrialists. His sons and his daughter can easily avoid military service, and political power is his for the taking. There is no end to how high he can rise in the Republic’s power structure. All he has to do is successfully complete a risk-free military “governorship” in the backwater Fringe System of New Dublin without rocking the boat. But the people sending him to New Dublin have miscalculated, because Terrence Murphy is a man who believes in honor. Who believes in duty—in common decency and responsibility. Who believes there are dark and dangerous secrets behind the façade of what “everyone knows.” Terrence Murphy intends to meet those responsibilities, to unearth those secrets, and he doesn’t much care what the Five Hundred want. He intends to put a stop to the killing. Terrence Murphy is coming for whoever has orchestrated fifty-six years of bloodshed and slaughter, and Hell itself is coming with him.

Published 2021; 476 pages. I'm very looking forward to the book next week. 

I had vowed to read a vampire book. I put one recommended to me on hold at the library. it said 6-8 weeks. Of COURSE it came up yesterday. So about to start BLESS YOUR HEART by Lindy Ryan. 

It’s 1999 in Southeast Texas and the Evans women, owners of the only funeral parlor in town, are keeping steady with…normal business. The dead die, you bury them. End of story. That’s how Ducey Evans has done it for the last eighty years, and her progeny―Lenore the experimenter and Grace, Lenore’s soft-hearted daughter, have run Evans Funeral Parlor for the last fifteen years without drama. Ever since That Godawful Mess that left two bodies in the ground and Grace raising her infant daughter Luna, alone. But when town gossip Mina Jean Murphy’s body is brought in for a regular burial and she rises from the dead instead, it’s clear that the Strigoi―the original vampire―are back. And the Evans women are the ones who need to fight back to protect their town. As more folks in town turn up dead and Deputy Roger Taylor begins asking way too many questions, Ducey, Lenore, Grace, and now Luna, must take up their blades and figure out who is behind the Strigoi’s return. As the saying goes, what rises up, must go back down. But as unspoken secrets and revelations spill from the past into the present, the Evans family must face that sometimes, the dead aren’t the only things you want to keep buried.

Published 2024; 302 pages. I'll count it toward GarbAugust. 

Waiting on yarn to show up for re-start of all projects. 

No sprints tonight. 

Have a good day

Much love,

PK the Bookeemonster

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