Thursday, September 25, 2014

And so say we all.

So. I went to the walk-in clinic yesterday. And I guess having psoriasis wasn't enough. I have a case of shingles. Probably caused by stress. But how? I don't have any of THAT in my life. I am really lucky though because it is just a small area of my lower back so there isn't much contact to cause pain or rub-age and really it just feels like the irritation of a sunburn. The good news is that typically one doesn't get it twice and I saw it fairly early and can be treated with meds to not let it get worse. And truly, when I had my allergic reaction to Vancomycin in 2009, that was waaaaaay worse than this. This is a piece of cake with double frosting in comparison.

The other good news is that I'm back on my paleo eating plan. Stress has also caused me to eat bad things and gain more weight which I don't need. Eating healthy is more expensive but I just have to do it. So bear with me as I dream along with the little guy above about pizza from time to time. What is encouraged with paleo is to do it 80/20. Eighty percent strict paleo and allow yourself 20% to not always eat to plan. I'm hoping more for 90/10 but there it is.

A neighbor of ours texted Steve that he saw Coda out of the yard and put him back. Nothing about Ryker. Steve and I both agreed Coda never gets out alone so I raced home to check the status. They were both on the deck but suspiciously breathing heavily. Did Ryker get out and figure how to get back in again? We'll never know.

It's supposed to get to 93 today. Yuck yuck yuck. What happened to my Fall?

Much love,
PK the Bookeemonster

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