Friday, January 27, 2023

Weekend plans -- doing nothing

Friday. TGIF

 Well, got through another week. It was a tough one. I'm ready for the weekend. As mentioned previously, my usual Saturday afternoon bead group was canceled so I'll be staying home both days. 


I finished the Will Thomas. I have both a cozy mystery going and a category romance book. I could read those. I could. Will I? 


 I have a rom-com on loan from the Las Vegas Library but both books up there are light like that. Perhaps I need something a little heftier.


 I could go with the books on my "near-ish" TBR like 23 in 2023 or next-in-series. Or I could finish books I've started and abandoned. Or I could go with something completely different.


 And there will be napping, having Thai Beef Salad, maybe cleaning a closet along with a lot of reading.


Have a good weekend


Much love,

PK the Bookeemonster

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