Friday, September 10, 2010

Disapproving rabbit does not like colds

Nor do I. The cold is going through its progression nicely. I expect it to be affecting my throat over the weekend. Not much sneezing or running nose now, no, just a whole lot of stuffiness, throat rawness, and general crankiness. Bah.

So, tonight we're having calzones from Papa Murphy's (busy on a Friday, yes?). I'll watch Say Yes to the Dress. Read a little (close to finishing INTELLIGENCE). My goal for the weekend is to work on my newsletter and to sleep this freaking cold out of existence. I tried to drown it but it has rebuffed all efforts thus far and only resulted in frequent visits to the ladies room. So I have cinnamon thingies to suck on and lots of tea and water. The usual suspects.

TGIF everybody!

Much love,

PK the Bookeemonster

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