Friday, August 15, 2014

Friday .... yeah....

Woot! The weekend at last!

I was thinking about memories and that I don't really have great details of memories of kidhood. My kidhood was the 70s. Here's some visuals of what I do remember:

This owl seemed to be EVERYWHERE:

I loved Shawn Cassidy (and Leif Garret who is oh so gross now so I don't like to think about it) (and Erik Estrada ... never mind) and if you were cool you had a satin jacket like this (baby blue was the best):
 My sister had one of these radios, orange:

The makers of this show must have been on serious drugs:

The perfumes:

Actually one of the best sets of curlers:

I wasn't allowed to watch this show because it was considered too racy:

This was MY 8-track and I loved it:

This was on in between cartoons on Saturdays and we learned stuff (I still love them):

This came out and everybody was talking about it when I was in the 5th grade:

I read this in the 5th grade (my mom didn't know about it):
Phyllis Whitney and Victoria Holt were mostly approved:

This was the best TV dinner:

This was very popular:

 We had a set just like this (didn't everybody?):
 Remember doing Iowa Basics in school? Or SRA reading program?

I had that flavor.

I was a Campfire girl with my friends and worked toward earning beads to put on a vest:

Puffy stickers

.... and I'm spent.

Much love,
PK the Bookeemonster

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