Thursday, October 2, 2014

Whaddyamean it's not Friday?

It's rather cooler out today. Somewhere in the 50s I think and has become dark and windy. And it's supposed to get below freezing overnight.

I had to pick up some extra jeans (on sale) and found a couple cardigans (on sale) and for a couple months now I've been meaning to get a new purse because mine broke a strap so I picked up that too (on sale). It was a bit spontaneous but I'm probably done wardrobe shopping for the season.

There's a show premiering tonight, Gracepoint, starring UK actor David Tennant. This is based on a show in the UK called Broadchurch in which Tennant also starred. He's sort of recreating the same role for the US version. I'll check it out. It's a follow-the-crime show.

Much love,
PK the Bookeemonster

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