Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Done Christmas shopping

So with Steve's gift ordered yesterday, I'm officially done with the annual event known as Christmas shopping. I now just have to wrap some things for office people and so forth.

Steve has the gun range tonight. I don't have anything on TV.

Last night was doing some journaling -- haven't really done that for a while -- and I was trying to figure out why I couldn't get a handle on the middle of my book. Then I thought of something.

I flipped the inciting incident - who wins the election on the planet -- and now it makes more sense in terms of storyline for this book and for any others.

Phew. That was torturing me for many weeks.

Ryker kept me up last night a lot -- just wanting attention, nothing major. So I'm tired. I'm going to try to do some catching up tonight.

Tomorrow, I have major TV. Here's a sneak peek:

Have a good day

Much love,
PK the Bookeemonster

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