Monday, January 21, 2019

Freakin' slippery out there

So much of Monday to want to go home for:
  1. Snow storm hit this morning so it is an ice rink out on the roads. Yuck
  2. Receptionist requested day off so I'm on front desk duty all day. Bah.
  3. It's Monday on a cold yucky day and I can't be home with my doggies.

But we soldier on.

Arrow is back from Christmas hiatus. "My Name is Emiko Queen":

Oliver is ready to get back to work with the SCPD and to focus on his marriage with Felicity. However, when Dinah tasks Oliver with tracking the new Green Arrow things take a surprising turn. Meanwhile, Diggle and Lyla  must answer to ARGUS about Diaz.
However, I don't know if I'll watch it in "live" run tonight. Steve has Street Outlaws on and
I haven't been thrilled with this season anyway. Easier to fast forward on the computer the day after.

The second episode of The Passage is on tonight. I read the description ... it is so far off from
the book that I won't even bother watching it.

That's about it.

So stay warm and cozy, folks.

Have a good day

Much love,
PK the Bookeemonster

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