Monday, July 8, 2019

Two faces of Monday after a 4-day weekend.....

Aaaaannnnnd we're back.

Nothing on TV tonight. So I'll do some reading. Currently reading AUDACIOUS by Mike Shepherd. 5th of 14 in Kris Longknife SFF series.


Once again Kris finds herself caught in the crosshairs of unknown enemies who want her dead. Factions, both legitimate and underground, vie for control of the planet New Eden. And someone is taking advantage of the chaos to unleash a personal vendetta against Kris.

Published 2007; 373 pages.

And some beading maybe. But I'm incredibly tired. So tired my face hurts. Fireworks again last night. Every night since Wednesday.  I'm ready to hunt the offenders down and yell at them to stop.

Yeah like that.

Otherwise it was an ok weekend spent trying to find times to sleep. I started a new beading project at last. I'm working on re-watching the first season of The Blacklist and following along with the script and taking notes because I'm a geek. I'm on episode 5.

Have a good day

Much love,
PK the Bookeemonster

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