Monday, September 16, 2024

I'm not coming out


I finished SOULLESS by Gail Carriger for Vamptember. 4 stars. I finished A GENTLEMAN OF UNRELIABLE HONOR by Grace Burrows. 5 stars

I've started yarn cake number six on the wedding bedspead. 

And I've made a decision. 

We've added another tech to our employees. I can't get three Afghans done for Christmas gifts in time. So I'm not doing them. 

So then I've got two "have-to" projects after this wedding bedspread in October. One for Christmas and I'm halfway through already and another wedding blanket that's due in March. 

No sprints tonight. Crocheting and listening to REBEL. 

Have a good day

Much love,

PK the Bookeemonster

Friday, September 13, 2024

One more sleep until the weekend


I hope to finish a couple books this weekend. SOULLESS by Gail Carriger and THE BEAST OF LONDON by L.D. Goffigan. And then I'll be done with vampire books.

I plan to go back to listening to GOVERNER by David Weber & Richard Fox and getting through yarn cake number five this weekend.

Squeeee! I just got an author email that provides a link to purchase the sixth Lord Julian book two weeks early! 

Lord Julian Caldicott is summoned by his estranged mother to search for old love letters she has misplaced. Julian soon realizes the letters along with other items of sentimental value have been stolen. The thief is preying on wealthy women, purloining mementos both dear and scandalous. If the missing items become public, many reputations will be ruined, including the duchess's. Julian embarks on the investigation despite having no clues, too many suspects, and his distant and difficult mama at the center of the whole intrigue. In the midst of these frustrations, Julian's ducal brother takes ship for France, adding more duties to his lordship's already full plate. Before Julian can bring the culprit behind the thefts to justice, he must first come to terms with old betrayals that could yield new and deadly fruit.

Published 2024; 263 pages.

No plans this weekend other than lots of crochet. Sprints tomorrow afternoon. 

Have a good weekend

Much love,

PK the Bookeemonster

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Not going crazy ... yet


Okay, ANOTHER attempt at the scavenger hunt prompt, "Did I read that". I'm trying to find a good to me, suitable re-telling or re-imagining of a familiar story or book. This next possibility also gives me another entry for Vamptember -- I'm trying, Stormi, I'm trying.


THE BEST OF LONDON by L.D. Goffigan. 1st of 3 in Mina Murray series. 

Mina Murray once lived an adventurous life, but after a tragedy in the forests of Transylvania, she left it all behind. Now she has settled into a quiet routine as a schoolteacher in London, engaged to the respectable solicitor Jonathan Harker, attempting to fit into the stuffy upper class London society to which he belongs. Her dark past comes careening into her present when Jonathan is abducted by a group of vampires from a society ball. Determined to rescue him, she teams up with her former paramour Abraham Van Helsing and his colleague, Scotland Yard Inspector John Seward. As they pursue Jonathan’s abductors from England to the Low Countries and beyond, Mina realizes that Jonathan’s abduction is tied to a larger threat against humanity…

Published 2017; 238 pages.

Sprints tonight. Crochet. Crochet. Crochet. I've lollygagged the last couple evenings.

Have a good day

Much love,

PK the Bookeemonster

Wednesday, September 11, 2024



I had sprints last night but I didn't read or crochet. I was monitoring the debate. 

No sprints tonight. Steve's got the gun range.

Have a good day

Much love,

PK the Bookeemonster

Tuesday, September 10, 2024



Even though there isn't an audiobook available and I'm already eyeball reading a book, I think I might be starting a possible for the scavenger hunt this weekend, "Did I read that?"

RED by Kate Serine. 1st of 4 in Transplanted Tales series. 

Once upon a time, a spell went awry, stranding Make Believe characters in the ordinary world. Since then, Tess “Red” Little—a/k/a Little Red Riding Hood—has worked as an Enforcer for the Chicago branch of the Fairytale Management Authority. But, consider yourself warned—she’s not just some waif with a basket of goodies. All grown up and with nothing to lose, a gun and combat boots is more her style. And Red’s new assignment threatens to be short on happily ever afters… Someone is murdering transplanted Tales in gruesome fashion. The list of fictional characters capable of such grisly acts is short and includes more than one of Red’s old flames. And if that wasn’t bad enough, there’s another complication, in the form of sexy, enigmatic Nate Grimm, the FMA’s lead detective and part-time Reaper. Used to following her own rules and living life on the edge, Red has managed to avoid taking on a partner until now. But Nate’s dark side makes him perfect for a case like this. That is, if she can trust him. Because if there’s one thing Red knows for sure, it’s that believing in the wrong person can have big, bad consequences…

Published 2012; 330 pages. And I've had it in my TBR for 10 years. 

Sprints tonight. I'm about to start yarn cake number five this evening on the wedding bedspread. 

Have a good day

Much love,

PK the Bookeemonster

Monday, September 9, 2024

I gots the Mondays

Monday. Receptionist out.

I finished SCARLET by Genevieve Cogman. 3 stars. It was heading toward a 4 star rating even with the vampires but at the 60% mark, the main character got possessed by a 600 year old sorceress and that was too much. 

I'm reading/listening to the audio of REBEL by David Weber & Richard Fox. 2nd in science fiction series. 

HE NEVER WANTED TO BE A REBEL. The Five Hundred, the elite families who rule the Terran Federation, control its political power and its wealth, and they’ve grown steadily wealthier and more powerful, thanks to the war against the Terran League. War may be hard on the people who get caught in its path, but it’s very good for business, in the short term, and the Five Hundred own the shipyards that build the Navy’s ships. They own virtually all the industry that produces the weapons and matériel the war consumes so voraciously . . . and they’ve made damn sure someone else does the dying. True, there are a few flies in the Five Hundred’s ointment. There’s the growing hatred and resentment of the Fringe Worlds, whose children do eighty percent of the dying in the Five Hundred’s war. But the Five Hundred have made sure the Fringe knows what will happen to any system that goes ”out of compliance.” There are the lunatic conspiracy nuts who insist that the alien Rishathan Sphere is secretly aiding the League’s military, but the Five Hundred have forced them to keep their mouths shut where it matters. And then there’s Terrence Murphy, a man of honor who loves the Federation, who springs from the Five Hundred, yet knows it for what it is and is determined to speak for its victims. But the five hundred have dispatched ample force to deal with him and his handful of lunatic followers. Unfortunately, the Fringe has paid enough of its children’s lives, and it no longer cares what may happen if it dares to defy the Five Hundred. Worse, the lunatic conspiracy nuts were right, and the Rish have planned carefully for the Federation’s destruction. And, worst of all, the Five Hundred have fatally underestimated Terrence Murphy.

Published 2024; 612 pages.

Also reading BETRAYAL AT BLACKTHORN PARK by Julia Kelly. 2nd 

Freshly graduated from a rigorous training program in all things spy craft, former typist Evelyne Redfern is eager for her first assignment as a field agent helping Britain win the war. However, when she learns her first task is performing a simple security test at Blackthorn Park, a requisitioned manor house in the sleepy Sussex countryside, she can’t help her initial disappointment. Making matters worse, her handler is to be David Poole, a fellow agent who manages to be both strait-laced and dashing in annoyingly equal measure. However, Evelyne soon realizes that Blackthorn Park is more than meets the eye, and an upcoming visit from Winston Churchill means that security at the secret weapons research and development facility is of the utmost importance. When Evelyne discovers Blackthorn Park’s chief engineer dead in his office, her simple assignment becomes more complicated. Evelyne must use all of her—and David’s—detection skills to root out who is responsible and uncover layers of deception that could change the course of the war.

Published 2024; 320 pages. 

I crocheted a whole lot on Saturday. Not as much on Sunday but a goodly amount. I'm about to finish cake number 4 of 12. 

No sprints tonight. 

Have a good day

Much love,

PK the Bookeemonster

Friday, September 6, 2024

I agree, short weeks are the longest


I finished the J.D. Robb. 5 stars.

Now concentrating on the library books. 

I'm not doing the scavenger hunt prompt for this weekend - food truck on cover. 

Next weekend's prompt - the second one for September - is "Did I read that?". I'm planning on doing a re-telling or reimagining of a familiar story for that one. 

I realized last night that SCARLET could count as a three-fer: vampire, spy vs spy, and scavenger hunt. 

So that's possible. The others I was thinking of:

I've got a few days to figure that one out.

Sprints tomorrow afternoon. Lots and lots of crocheting.

Have a good weekend

Much love,

PK the Bookeemonster