Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Cranky. I haz it.


I've had a vexing last twenty-four hours. I need a vacation from people. 

I finished FRIENDS, LOVERS, CHOCOLATE by Alexander McCall Smith. 4 stars. This is an interesting series. The crime and solving is VERY light. Much philosophizing on things like whether one should get involved, is there a moral obligation to do so, etc. When I've read these two books (so far), I'm absolutely in the mood for that. Does the MC sometimes irritate me because I disagree with her? Yes. But sometimes I want to walk in her shoes. And the words come together so that they tickle my brain in a very "ah yes!" kind of way.  Enough so that I've purchased the entire series in physical copy. I'm intrigued.

There's a few days left in Spy vs Spy September. I should read one more book. This is an option. I haven't read this series in quite awhile because of political comments in it. But this next in series for me is available via library. I really liked the series up until then.

No sprints tonight. Steve has the gun range. Lots of crocheting. 

Have a good day

Much love,

PK the Bookeemonster

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