Saturday, February 25, 2012

Our sunbeam traps have worked!

Well I guess mission accomplished in pissing off liberals. Discovered that some 4MA "friends" unfriended me on Facebook, probably over the articles I posted. Shows you: a) who your friends are and b) liberals want to live in the world that is fed to them on the mainstream media and not deal with the reality.

I feel like I should have gotten more done today but I did do the usual walk the dogs, vacuum, laundry and even cleaned out a cupboard that had been ignored for several years. Then I cleaned out and/or caught up on some emails and news but that job is nowhere near done.

I haven't finished the Robb book yet. Sigh. Should I be glad that I'm not racing though the books as I used to therefore the time spent with them is longer or be not happy that I'm not getting to all the books that I want? Looks like March is a light month for new releases for me so I can maybe do some catching up then.

We're having hamburgers tonight and will watch Cops. Maybe I can read afterward or maybe we'll watch a movie.

The boys are in trouble right now. Steve had taken them out to run around the front yard and then apparently got caught up talking to our neighbor. I was at the laptop which looks out onto the back yard ... and the next street north of us ... and I happen to look up to see the dogs running west on Hazelnut. Grrrr. I had to jump in the SUV and hunt them down. All three are unrepentant.

A storm has moved in with awful wind and occasional snow. So I feel like hunkering down.

Have a lovely weekend....

Much love,
PK the Bookeemonster

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