Friday, April 28, 2023

Yes, I'm ready for a couple days off

 TGIF. Long week. Ready for weekend.


 I've got the coffee shop tomorrow. I want to go but I also don't want to go.


 I'm still reading the sci fi book. It's politically and technologically a dense read so I'm not speeding through it. But I'm liking it a lot so I don't really mind.


I took advantage of a Harlequin sale, buy three get two.

 Just getting my romance read fix ready to go.


 I feel like I haven't read as much as I've wanted to this week. I've got reading sprints this evening and on Sunday but I want to just make huge advances in my books and start something more on my TBR.

But .... seriously. Must. Read. More.

 No other plans other than reading, napping, and maybe cleaning.

 Have a good weekend

Much love,

PK the Bookeemonster

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