Monday, May 20, 2024

Do we have to?


I finished CITY SPIES: GOLDEN GATE by James Ponti. 4 stars. For Middle Grade May.

Via Netgalley, I got an ARC of DEATH AT A SCOTTISH WEDDING by Lucy Connelly. 3rd of 3 in Scottish Isle mystery series.

Sea Isle, Scotland, is magical during the holiday season, and Dr. Emilia McRoy can’t wait to enjoy everything her village has to offer. But when the lead singer of a famous band is murdered in the village, just as they were about to launch a world tour, her holiday instantly comes to a halt. As the band’s future hangs in the balance, Emilia discovers that the victim was working on new music that has since disappeared. Were these new lyrics worth killing for? And if so, who is the culprit? It seems more than one person wanted this music star dead. Shockingly, beloved constable Ewan Campbell becomes the prime suspect in the investigation, putting a damper on the town’s festivities. With an ever-growing list of suspects, Emilia will need all the help she can get to figure out who is framing poor Ewan. Between a secret Santa that wants her dead, stalkers, and killer holiday celebrations, Emilia must see the devil in the details and discover the truth before it’s too late.

Publishing October 2024; 256 pages. 4 stars.

I think next I'll read A WICKED CONCEIT by Anna Lee Huber. 9th of 12 in Lady Darby series set in 1830s Scotland. 

Edinburgh, Scotland. March 1832. Kiera and Gage have been eagerly awaiting their bundle of joy but trouble has been brewing in the form of the roguish criminal Bonnie Brock Kincaid. A new book and subsequent play features some of Kincaid's daringly heinous exploits, although he swears he had nothing to do with it or the characters which are obvious representations of Kiera and Gage. While the scoundrel's fury seems genuine, as well as his determined quest to uncover the real identity of the author, the Gages still hold doubts about his innocence. A rash of crimes break out across the city, seemingly inspired by the play and book. When the publisher is found brutally murdered--in an imitation of a gruesome scene--the finger not only points to Bonnie Brock as the possible culprit, but also the Gages, who have been outspoken in their condemnation of the tale. Now, the Gages are on a hunt to unmask the killer. Between the infamy garnered by the play, the cholera outbreak still wreaking havoc throughout the city, and the impending birth of their child, they will need all the resources they can garner.

Published 2021; 384 pages. I'm rather behind in this series, as you can see.

The weekend was pretty good. Got some crocheting in, read some good books as you can see. Made some egg roll soup. Did some laundry, etc.

No sprints tonight. 

Have a good day

Much love,

PK the Bookeemonster

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