Thursday, May 16, 2024

Yes, I'm fine


So yesterday was fun (not). I bit down accidentally on a popcorn kernel and my back molar broke. It was going to happen eventually with that tooth -- it had had work on it over the years - and yesterday was the day. 

I don't go to the dentist voluntarily. I saw my dentist way too much as a kid. But I did have one designated as "my dentist". I called them. I wasn't in pain but the tooth was coming apart and pain was kinda inevitable so I wanted to get in sooner rather than later. Even with "emergency" I couldn't get in until Monday unless they had a cancellation. 

Five days' wait with a broken tooth.

I called a dental place that advertises same day care. And I got in no problem. Long story short, I have a crown on that tooth. 

They were extremely nice, professional, and even called this morning to check it was going. I know I have more dental work I've been avoiding my future and I'll be going back to them. And the dental assistant was a book lover, too! 

I was glad I didn't have sprints last night. I didn't have pain before or during whatsoever. However, as the Novocain wore off, I had an aching jaw. Perhaps from being open so wide for so long or just a reaction to Hey! Something Happened! Sooooo... having to go to the dentist and getting a crown was not on my BINGO card for this week/month/year.

I finished the thriller last night. SHE LEFT by Stacie Grey. I gave it 3 stars. The author, in the notes, acknowledged that she was inspired by (a.k.a. stealing) from AND THEN THERE WERE NONE by Agatha Christie. Steal from the best, right?

I've got sprints tonight.

Have a good day

Much love,

PK the Bookeemonster

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