Friday, April 5, 2019

Take me home now.

(I mean, come on, look at that belly! Beagles! Puppies!)

It's the weekend!

Ready. For. It.

Tonight we'll have our traditional Chinese and watch Live PD.

(That's Deputy Garo Brown. Look at those arms!)

Nothing on really this weekend. No Walking Dead. No NCIS Los Angeles. Game of Thrones comes back for its final season next weekend. This weekend?

Tomorrow I have a haircut and have to get some groceries but that's it. There's a used book sale but I truly don't need anymore books right now.

I never thought I'd hear myself say that. So I'll do some cleaning, some Interneting, some reading, maybe some cooking for paleo meals, and some napping.

It's a long shot but maybe we'll go see Captain Marvel before Avengers' Endgame opens in two weeks.

That's it. The usual.

Have a good weekend

Much love,
PK the Bookeemonster

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