Thursday, March 7, 2024

Waiting here for the weekend ...


I finished A MURDER IN THE GRAVE by Irina Shapiro. 4 stars. Sadly, I've felt stuck in place for about a week with my recent reads -- no reflection on them. I've just needed to move along. 

Currently reading A SINISTER REVENGE by Deanna Raybourn. 8th of 9 in series featuring Veronica Speedwell, a young woman seeking adventure in 1880s London

Veronica's natural-historian beau, Stoker, has been away in Bavaria for months and their relationship is at an impasse. But when Veronica shows up before him with his brother, Tiberius, Lord Templeton-Vane, he is lured back home by an intriguing job offer: preparing an iguanodon for a very special dinner party. Tiberius has received a cryptic message-along with the obituaries of two recently deceased members of his old group of friends, the Seven Sinners-that he too should get his affairs in order. Realizing he is in grave danger but not knowing why, he plans a reunion party for the remaining Sinners at his family estate to lure the killer out while Veronica and Stoker investigate. As the guests arrive and settle in, the evening's events turn deadly. More clues come to light, leading Veronica, Stoker, and Tiberius to uncover a shared past among the Sinners that has led to the fatal present. But the truth might be far more sinister than what they were prepared for.

Published 2023; 310 pages. Love this series.

And NETWORK EFFECT by Martha Wells. 5th of 7 in Murderbot scifi series. 

It calls itself Murderbot, but only when no one can hear. It worries about the fragile human crew who've grown to trust it, but only where no one can see. It tells itself that they're only a professional obligation, but when they're captured and an old friend from the past requires urgent assistance, Murderbot must choose between inertia and drastic action.
Drastic action it is, then.

Published 2020; 350 pages. I've been trying to read this one for a while -- a love this character -- but it's never been the right time apparently.

I wasn't feeling well last night. I don't know if it's a bug or something I ate. I went to bed early. Better today but tired. Unfortunately, I had sprints tonight so I can't do the early thing again. I'm playing it by ear though and haven't ruled out going home early to take a nap if need be.  

We'll see how it goes.

Have a good day

Much love,

PK the Bookeemonster

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