Monday, March 11, 2013

Current Events - March 11, 2013

Obamas' Cost of Living in the White House: $1.4 Billion a Year

As Carol touched on yesterday, while the White House keeps its doors closed to the people under the guise of "devastating sequestration," First Lady Michelle Obama is preparing for her glitzy 50th birthday party with performances by Adele and Beyonce. Although the party is being touted as private and therefore paid for by the Obamas, taxpayers will still have to foot the bill for secret service and other accommodations at the White House for the event. Meanwhile, President Obama just held a fancy dinner for Republicans just six blocks away from the White House and of course he took his massive motorcade to get there.

Charles Cooke over at NRO has tallied up the total for the Obamas' cost of living in the White House: $1.4 billion per year.
The executive mansion is not in that much trouble, of course. It’s certainly not in sufficiently dire straits for Air Force One ($181,757 per hour) to be grounded, or to see the executive chef ($100,000 per year) furloughed, or to cut back on the hours of the three full-time White House calligraphers ($277,050 per year for the trio), or to limit the invaluable work of the chief of staff to the president’s dog ($102,000 per year), or to trim his ridiculous motorcade ($2.2 million). If Ellen DeGeneres wants another dancercize session or Spain holds another clothing sale, the first family will be there before you can say “citizen executive.” Fear ye not, serfs: Austerity may be the word of the week, but the president is by no means in any danger of being forced to live like the president of a republic instead of like a king.
The current annual cost of the White House — just in household expenses, not the policy operations for which it exists — is $1.4 billion: Annually, presidential vacations cost $20 million (the low estimate for one presidential vacation to Hawaii is $4 million, but the true cost is probably five times that); the first family’s yearly health-care costs are $7 million; more than $6 million is spent on the White House grounds each year. Transporting the president cost $346 million last year. But as Michelle Obama might say, America is basically a downright mean sort of place, so the tours will just have to go. One hopes at least that the calligraphers were recruited to sign the docents’ pink slips.
So there you have it folks. While the White House has given out talking points to every federal agency telling them to make sequester as painful as possible through canceling meat inspections, forcing long delays at the airport and releasing thousands of criminal illegal aliens into the streets of America, the Obamas are planning their next vacation at the expense of the American people.

Last week Sean Hannity and Eric Bolling of Fox News offered to pay for at least one week of White House tours, a cost of $74,000. No word yet on whether the White House will take them up on their offer. 

Washington on "the Emperor Problem"

Along with many Americans, I noted with alarm President Obama's Valentine's Day statement at a Google hangout on why he can't take more action on overhauling immigration policy:

"This is something I've struggled with throughout my presidency," said Obama. "The problem is that I'm the president of the United States, I'm not the emperor of the United States. My job is to execute laws that are passed."

As any schoolchild should know, our country was established by throwing off the chains of King George III's monarchy. Everyone should also know that the public was so grateful to General George Washington that many would have supported making him king. However, Gen. Washington rejected these ideas, gave up any and all claims to political power and quietly retired to his farm in Virginia. 

In a letter to Lewis Nicola dated May 22, 1782 on the subject of some people wanting to make him king, General Washington stated his feelings on this matter in detail and naturally with greater eloquence and force than any one of us could have hoped to express.:

With a mixture of great surprise and astonishment I have read with attention the Sentiments you have submitted to my perusal. Be assured Sir, no occurrence in the course of the War, has given me more painful sensations than your information of there being such ideas existing in the Army as you have expressed, and I must view with abhorrence, and reprehend with severity. For the present, the communication of them will rest in my own bosom, unless some further agitation of the matter, shall make a disclosure necessary. I am much at a loss to conceive what part of my conduct could have given encouragement to an address which to me seems big with the greatest mischiefs that can befall my Country. If I am not deceived in the knowledge of myself, you could not have found a person to whom your schemes are more disagreeable; at the same time in justice to my own feelings I must add, that no Man possesses a more sincere wish to see ample justice done to the Army than I do, and as far as my powers and influence, in a constitutional way extend, they shall be employed to the utmost of my abilities to effect it, should there be any occasion. Let me conjure to you then, if you have any regard for your Country, concern for yourself or posterity, or respect for me, banish these thoughts from your mind, and never communicate, as from yourself, or anyone else a sentiment of the like Nature. (Volume 24, p. 272, John C. Fitzpatrick ed., The Writings of George Washington, 1745-1799(39 vols), Washington, D.C.: United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission)

The Father of our Country, the man without whom we would never have had American liberty, could not imagine what part of his conduct could have instilled these sentiments in the people. Once again, we are reminded of how our free nation was formed in such large part by the character of Washington. By contrast, it is clear that the major problem we have today is not that our president is prevented being Emperor of the United States; it is that we have a president who would prefer to be King of the United States. 

Read more:

PK'S NOTE: While the First Family lives on 1.4 billion a year...:

46,609,072 People on Food Stamps in 2012; Record 47,791,996 in December

Nearly a quarter of the people living in Washington, D.C. are on the program.

On Friday, the United States Department of Agriculture quietly released new statistics related to the food stamps program, officially known as SNAP (the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program). The numbers reveal, in 2012, the food stamps program was the biggest it's ever been, with an average of 46,609,072 people on the program every month of last year. 47,791,996 people were on the program in the month of December 2012.

The federal government also says that in a given month in 2012, the number of households on food stamps was 22,329,713.

The state with the highest average number of participants per month in 2012 was Texas, with an astonishing 4,038,440 folks drawing from the program. The second highest is California, with 3,964,221, and then Florida, at 3,353,064.

Washington, D.C., with an estimated population of 617,996, had an average of 141,147 participants. Meaning, roughly 23 percent of folks living in D.C. are on food stamps, according to the numbers provided by the federal government. The participation rate in Texas, which has an estimated population of 26,059,203, 15.5 percent.

The state with the lowest number of participants in the program was Wyoming, with 34,347 out an estimated population of 576,412.

Over the weekend, Senator Jeff Sessions, the top Republican on the Senate Budget Committee, said that the Obama administration is encouraging growth in the food stamps program as a way to stimulate the economy.

"Amazingly, the federal government says that the more people we have on food stamps, the more it grows the economy. The Department of Agriculture proudly declares: ‘Each $5 in new [food stamp] benefits generates almost twice that amount in economic activity for the community.’ Our government is running food stamp promotions at foreign embassies. One worker was given an award for overcoming ‘mountain pride’ and getting more people to sign up. Where I grew up in Alabama, all honest work, even the hardest, was honored. And pride, self-respect, and a desire to be independent was valued, not a thing to be overcome," said Sessions, who delivered the weekly Republican address.

Sessions also pointed out that cities like Baltimore, which he said have have been "governed by liberal policies for decades," see particularly high numbers of participation in the program.

"Despite this fountain of federal funds, 1 in 3 children still live in poverty in our nation’s capital. Two in three children live in single parent homes. In nearby Baltimore--another city governed by liberal policies for decades--1 in 3 residents are on food stamps and in 1 in 3 youth live in poverty. Americans are committed to helping our sisters and brothers who are struggling, but we are seeing the damaging human consequences of our broken welfare state," said Sessions.

"We spend a trillion dollars each year on federal poverty programs. That’s more than the budget for Social Security or Defense. But poverty seems only to increase. Something is wrong. Compassion demands that we change."

6 Things the Next U.S. Budget Should Do
It’s time for Congress to make a real budget—and not just any budget.

It’s been four years since the U.S. had a real budget. While the House of Representatives has passed budgets, the Senate has stopped each one. Instead, the Senate under Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) has done short-term, stopgap measures to keep the government funded year after year.

But this year, Reid and others have said they are going to step up and do their job.

The President’s budget is already late—by two months—and will not appear until early April, according to the White House. To get things started, House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) will unveil his fiscal year 2014 budget tomorrow.

Heritage’s Alison Acosta Fraser and Patrick Louis Knudsen, the Grover M. Hermann Senior Fellow in Federal Budgetary Affairs, have a blueprint for what that budget should look like if we are to have any hope of reclaiming economic growth and digging out of the hole we’re in. They make the case that the budget should do six things.

1. Balance. Achieve balance within 10 years, and stay in balance.

Why? Put simply, we can’t keep spending more money than we take in. Anyone who has paid a credit card bill knows that that bill just keeps getting larger and larger until you start living within your income. If we as a country don’t get our budget into balance within the next 10 years, government is going to swallow nearly all of the economy—leaving us all with a disaster, but especially today’s children.

2. Defend America. Fully fund national defense.

Why? The Pentagon has waste and inefficiencies like every other government agency, and these should be ferreted out. But President Obama has already been shrinking our military capabilities, and this can’t continue if we are going to defend ourselves. North Korea’s recent nuclear threats are a reminder that our forces must be modernized and ready at all times.

3. Reform Entitlements. Reform the major entitlement programs (Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security) with real policy changes that improve the programs, eliminate their shortcomings, and make them affordable.

Why? The major entitlements are the primary reason America has a budget problem. They are growing every year, and this growth is unsustainable. The levels of benefits will have to be cut abruptly if these programs are not reformed to keep them around for the next generation.

4. Repeal Obamacare.

Why? We haven’t begun to see the real impact of Obamacare’s new spending, because many of its largest provisions go into effect in 2014. Obamacare spends $1.8 trillion just in the next 10 years. All of these costs, and Obamacare isn’t going to improve patient care—it’s only going to make things worse.

5. Cut Spending. Reduce non-defense discretionary spending.

Why? The federal government has overreached into every area of Americans’ lives. Functions like transportation and education need to be returned to the states and localities so that the people closest to the services can have more say in how they are run.

6. Reform Taxes. Adopt growth-oriented tax reform capped at the historical level of taxation.

Why? Economic growth is the goal. A better economy means people are employed, they are advancing, and they are making more money. That’s why the government actually takes in more in taxes when times are good—people make more money and pay more taxes. Tax reform does not mean closing tax preferences (“loopholes”) to raise revenue. True tax reform is revenue neutral. Any revenue raised by eliminating tax preferences should be offset by lowering tax rates. The code should encourage saving and investment, the essential elements of sustainable, long-term growth.

All of these things are possible. The Heritage Foundation has laid out the way to accomplish them in the Saving the American Dream plan.

The Panopticon State

Where the government can see, it can send a drone.

By Mark Steyn
I shall leave it to others to argue the legal and constitutional questions surrounding drones, but they are not without practical application. For the last couple of years, Janet Napolitano, the secretary of homeland security, has had Predator drones patrolling the U.S. border. No, silly, not the southern border. The northern one. You gotta be able to prioritize, right? At Derby Line, Vt., the international frontier runs through the middle of the town library and its second-floor opera house. If memory serves, the stage and the best seats are in Canada, but the concession stand and the cheap seats are in America. Despite the zealots of Homeland Security’s best efforts at afflicting residents of this cross-border community with ever more obstacles to daily life, I don’t recall seeing any Predator drones hovering over Non-Fiction E–L. But, if there are, I’m sure they’re entirely capable of identifying which delinquent borrower is a Quebecer and which a Vermonter before dispatching a Hellfire missile to vaporize him in front of the Large Print Romance shelves.

I’m a long, long way from Rand Paul’s view of the world (I’m basically a 19th-century imperialist a hundred years past sell-by date), but I’m far from sanguine about America’s drone fever. For all its advantages to this administration — no awkward prisoners to be housed at Gitmo, no military casualties for the evening news — the unheard, unseen, unmanned drone raining down death from the skies confirms for those on the receiving end al-Qaeda’s critique of its enemies: As they see it, we have the best technology and the worst will; we choose aerial assassination and its attendant collateral damage because we are risk-averse, and so remote, antiseptic, long-distance, computer-programmed warfare is all that we can bear. Our technological strength betrays our psychological weakness.

And in a certain sense they’re right: Afghanistan is winding down, at best, to join the long list of America’s unwon wars, in which, 48 hours after departure, there will be no trace that we were ever there. The guys with drones are losing to the guys with fertilizer — because they mean it, and we don’t. The drone thus has come to symbolize the central defect of America’s “war on terror,” which is that it’s all means and no end: We’re fighting the symptoms rather than the cause.

For a war without strategic purpose, a drone’ll do. Anwar al-Awlaki, an American citizen born in New Mexico, was whacked by a Predator not on a battlefield but after an apparently convivial lunch at a favorite Yemeni restaurant. Two weeks later, al-Awlaki’s son Abdulrahman was dining on the terrace of another local eatery when the CIA served him the old Hellfire Special and he wound up splattered all over the patio. Abdulrahman was 16, and born in Denver. As I understand it, the Supreme Court has ruled that American minors, convicted of the most heinous crimes, cannot be executed. But you can gaily atomize them halfway round the planet. My brief experience of Yemeni restaurants was not a happy one but, granted that, I couldn’t honestly say they met any recognized definition of a “battlefield.”

Al-Awlaki Junior seems to have been your average anti-American teen. Al-Awlaki Senior was an al-Qaeda ideologue, and a supposed “spiritual mentor” to everyone from the 9/11 murderers to the Fort Hood killer and the thwarted Pantybomber. On the other hand, after September 11, he was invited to lunch at the Pentagon, became the first imam to conduct a prayer service at the U.S. Congress, and was hailed by NPR as an exemplar of an American “Muslim leader who could help build bridges between Islam and the West.” The precise point at which he changed from American bridge-builder to Yemeni-restaurant take-out is hard to determine. His public utterances when he was being feted by the New York Times are far more benign than those of, say, Samira Ibrahim, who was scheduled to receive a “Woman of Courage” award from Michelle Obama and John Kerry on Friday until an unfortunate flap erupted over some ill-phrased Tweets from the courageous lass rejoicing on the anniversary of 9/11 that she loved to see “America burning.” The same bureaucracy that booked Samira Ibrahim for an audience with the first lady and Anwar al-Awlaki to host prayers at the Capitol now assures you that it’s entirely capable of determining who needs to be zapped by a drone between the sea bass and the tiramisu at Ahmed’s Bar and Grill. But it’s precisely because the government is too craven to stray beyond technological warfare and take on its enemies ideologically that it winds up booking the first lady to hand out awards to a Jew-loathing, Hitler-quoting, terrorist-supporting America-hater.

Insofar as it relieves Washington of the need to think strategically about the nature of the enemy, the drone is part of the problem. But its technology is too convenient a gift for government to forswear at home. America takes an ever more expansive view of police power, and, while the notion of unmanned drones patrolling the heartland may seem absurd, lots of things that seemed absurd a mere 15 years ago are now a routine feature of life. Not so long ago, it would have seemed not just absurd but repugnant and un-American to suggest that the state ought to have the power to fondle the crotch of a seven-year-old boy without probable cause before permitting him to board an airplane. Yet it happened, and became accepted, and is unlikely ever to be reversed.

Americans now accept the right of minor bureaucrats to collect all kinds of information for vast computerized federal databases, from answers on gun ownership for centralized “medical records” to answers on “dwelling arrangements” for nationalized “education records.” With paperwork comes regulation, and with regulation comes enforcement. We have advanced from the paramilitarization of the police to the paramilitarization of the Bureau of Form-Filling. Two years ago in this space, I noted that the U.S. secretary of education, who doesn’t employ a single teacher, is the only education minister in the developed world with his own SWAT team: He used it to send 15 officers to kick down a door in Stockton, Calif., drag Kenneth Wright out onto the front lawn, and put him in handcuffs for six hours. Erroneously, as it turned out. But it was in connection with his estranged wife’s suspected fraudulent student-loan application, so you can’t be too careful. That the education bureaucracy of the Brokest Nation in History has its own Seal Team Six is ridiculous and offensive. Yet the citizenry don’t find it so: They accept it.

The federal government operates a Railroad Retirement Board to administer benefits to elderly Pullman porters: For some reason, the RRB likewise has its own armed agents ready to rappel down the walls of the Sunset Caboose retirement home. I see my old friend David Frum thinks concerns over drones are “far-fetched.” If it’s not “far-fetched” for the education secretary to have his own SWAT team, why would it be “far-fetched” for the education secretary to have his own drone fleet?

Do you remember the way it was before the war on terror? Back in the Nineties, everyone was worried about militias and survivalists, who lived in what were invariably described as “compounds,” and not in the Kennedys-at-Hyannisport sense. And every so often one of these compound-dwellers would find himself besieged by a great tide of federal alphabet soup, agents from the DEA, ATF, FBI, and maybe even RRB. There was a guy called Randy Weaver who lost his wife, son, and dog to the guns of federal agents, was charged and acquitted in the murder of a deputy marshal, and wound up getting a multi-million-dollar settlement from the Department of Justice. Before he zipped his lips on grounds of self-incrimination, the man who wounded Weaver and killed his wife, an FBI agent called Lon Horiuchi, testified that he opened fire because he thought the Weavers were about to fire on a surveillance helicopter. When you consider the resources brought to bear against a nobody like Randy Weaver for no rational purpose, is it really so “far-fetched” to foresee the Department of Justice deploying drones to the Ruby Ridges and Wacos of the 2020s?

I mention in my book that government is increasingly comfortable with a view of society as a giant “Panopticon” — the radial prison devised by Jeremy Bentham in 1785, in which the authorities can see everyone and everything. In the Droneworld we have built for the war on terror, we can’t see the forest because we’re busy tracking every spindly sapling. When the same philosophy is applied on the home front, it will not be pretty.

Why Is America Facing Economic and Societal Turmoil?

How did the United States, a country founded on the principle of individual freedom and having achieved great wealth and world influence, find itself in its present financial and societal predicament?  Until the bulk of the American citizenry understands the why, there is no hope of reversing the nation's headlong plunge into the abyss.

The history of mankind is replete with the rise and fall of major civilizations.  The downfall of these societies inevitably stemmed from a prolonged period without adversity, during which time internal strife developed out of political intrigue and avarice on the part of the ruling classes.  In due course these empires were easily conquered or dominated by others.

This history was well known to the founders of the United States.  The overall concept of government being answerable to an informed and involved citizenry was their effort to avoid such an outcome.   Unfortunately, today's destructive political/economic philosophies such as Marxism and socialism, manipulated by the self-absorbed to achieve political power and an uninvolved and ill-educated citizenry, were factors the founding fathers could not have foreseen.

The end-product of Marxist thought is eerily similar to the reality of monarchies and oligarchies-- the domination of a state by a select class or individual.  Today's progressives or socialists are no different than those throughout the history of the human race who believed they were pre-ordained to rule the masses.  As modern democratic societies will not accept the concept of an authoritarian dictator or monarch, a powerful central government, with its trappings of legitimacy, serves as a substitute.

In order for this strategy to succeed, the public must be manipulated into accepting the premise that only government -- and not the individual -- can provide economic and personal security.  This cannot be accomplished in a country such as the United States in an era of adversity but rather one of peace and prosperity.

The last period of true national hardship was the 1930s and the Great Depression.  Franklin Roosevelt, despite his best effort, was only able to achieve the embryonic beginnings of an all-encompassing federal government.  Regardless of the nation's dire circumstance, the people were not conditioned to willingly accept the broad strokes of change that FDR proposed.

However, in the intervening seventy-three years,  as the United States became the most powerful economic and military force the world has ever seen, there has been an inexorable and near irreversible march to government domination of the citizenry.  Parallel to this track has been the rise of the American Left.
The absence of true national adversity over these years allowed the adherents of Marxist and socialist philosophies to recruit among the college age and middle class by citing the so-called inequities of American society and the need to re-create the country. They further fanned the egos of these useful idiots by convincing them of their supposed superiority to the unwashed masses.

However, even with some success in recruitment, a strategy was needed to enable a faction that ultimately represented less than 20% of the citizenry to achieve their end game with a people overwhelmingly against the concept of a powerful central government, and within the framework of a written Constitution.

Using the backdrop of overwhelming prosperity, the Left seized upon the concept of "fairness" to promote their agenda and engender guilt among the populace.  This "fairness" tactic was further reinforced by the incessant promotion that the United States, as a civilization, was responsible for all manner of evils throughout its history. In order to implement this strategy, it was necessary to gradually infiltrate and dominate the education, media and entertainment complex as a means of societal indoctrination.

The underlying tenet pushed by the left was: there is so much wealth within the country that there was nothing it could not provide.   Further, to make up for past sins guaranteeing equal outcomes was the least that could be done.  The simplistic argument became: If the United States can accomplish (fill in the blank) then surely it can afford to (fill in the blank).

As a result, much of the citizenry quietly accepted the argument and simply dropped out of active participation in government. They assumed the nation was in reasonably good hands with the two political parties whose motives or agenda were never questioned.  Most did not realize that by the mid 1980's, the Left had a stranglehold on the Democratic Party, and far too many in the Republican Party were unable or unwilling to fully warn the populace of the future consequences of an all-powerful central government.  They were content to slow down the march to socialism -- and that only when they were in power.

This march was not at gunpoint, but rather by the destruction of the economy and self-determination through massive spending programs which were unsustainable but became woven into the fabric of society.

In the 2008 and unfortunately again in the 2012 election cycle, the Left, with its ideal stealth candidate for President, actualized the culmination of their grand strategy.  The nation now has the most radical government in its history.  The victors are unabashedly brazen in their triumph.  While still assuming that the general public is asleep, they do not hesitate to openly advocate and implement policies not wanted by the electorate. Among them: so-called green energy, health care restructuring, amnesty for illegal aliens,  gun control, gay marriage and expanded welfare and social spending.  The Left does so, not as a benefit for the country or its people, but to enhance and make permanent government power, regardless of the long term consequences to the nation.

However, to understand the true motivation of the American Left, one need only observe how they fawn over the rulers of countries controlled by Marxist governments -- such as the recently deceased Hugo Chavez. The diminishing standard of living, the loss of liberty, and the bleak future for the peoples of these nations are ignored while the power accumulated by the head of state is celebrated. It is that acquisition of power which motivates the self-identified "Progressives," not the welfare of the general public, as they so loudly proclaim.

Another false assertion is that the Left in the United States is simply trying to copy European socialism. However the grand experiment of Euro-socialism in many countries in Europe, now proven to be an egregious failure, stemmed from the unimaginable devastation of World War II. The motivation of the European political class was to promote the general welfare of the population, not for self-aggrandizement. The failure of their brand of socialism was due to a determination to never repeat the circumstances which brought about two World Wars in the twentieth century. 
In the United States, there has never been a similar devastating factor to justify a socialist state and a powerful central government. What is happening now is purely driven by arrogance and manipulation. As such, there is the potential to reverse the process if the American people begin to understand what has happened and why.  But only if they are informed and led by a fully revamped, conservative Republican Party that has purged itself of its current establishment.

The Chicago Roots of President Obama's Leadership Style

Speaker Boehner and the Republican House are frustrated that they can't get President Obama or Senate leader Reid to compromise with them.

The regular rules of order in Congress are that the committees hold hearings, both parties have input into the writing of legislation, and eventually the Senate and House leaders have a conference to come to mutually agreeable terms.  This conference report results in a bill that is submitted to the president for signing.

But the president doesn't seem to follow the old established rules.  He wants the speaker to visit the White House, meet with him and his inner circle, and, particularly with regard to issues of spending, sign an unconditional surrender.

Analysts have seen this as proof of Obama's totalitarian ambitions or an inflated political ego.  Others characterize it as a sure sign that he is pursuing socialism.

While the president's behavior can be used to support all of these descriptions, the real answer may be none of these.  Those who seek to understand President Obama may benefit from studying the governing tactics of Chicago's Mayor Daley I.  These have been thoroughly described in biographies of Daley.i

Chicago's Mayor Daley I gained absolute power by gaining absolute control over the budget.  The way he did this was that he "arranged for the Chicago Home Rule Commission to recommend shifting responsibility for preparing the city budget from the City Council to the Mayor."ii  The Commission also "called for ending the long-standing requirement that the City Council approve all city contracts over $2,500."iii  Once these recommendations "arranged" by Mayor Daley became law, the City Council then became "little more than an advisory body.iv  No one in the City Council complained, since all the members owed their jobs to Daley I.
 This astounding coup was accomplished without a shot being fired, lawsuits filed, or media outrage.

Congress's authority to write a budget is determined not by a Home Rule Commission, but by the Constitution.  But President Obama was able to cleverly subvert Congress's power of the purse this way: the Democrat-controlled U.S. Senate has not passed a budget in four years.  One can reasonably ask if President Obama enlisted, in the early months of his first term, the cooperation of Senate Leader Reid in suspending the constitutionally mandated responsibility of the Senate to pass a budget.  Since Harry Senate Majority Leader Reid has the power to refuse to consider a budget bill, this is not a far-fetched idea.

Once the Senate refused to pass a budget, the House then had no input into budget decisions and, as a consequence, policy-making.  A policy that is not funded may as well not exist.  The GOP-controlled House is reduced to going along with continuing resolutions.

In effect, Obama cleverly usurped congressional budget authority, with the added benefit of eliminating a budgetary paper trail.  The real reason for this strategy is to weaken the legislative power of Congress, just as Mayor Daley I weakened the power of Chicago's City Council.v  The fawning news media have not discussed this power-grab.  Budgets reveal "who gets what,"vi and Obama doesn't want the public to know the details.

The Chicago mayoral paradigm of governing President Obama is accustomed to is very simple: in his view, the Republicans in the House have no "clout,"vii  to use an old Chicago term.  Clout refers to the influence necessary to get things done -- the ability to influence spending.

President Obama has a small group of insiders, mainly from Chicago, who decide what the policy shall be and the language of bills.  The president was most content during his first two years, when he had the power to send money to all the units of government throughout the U.S. run by Democrats.  The government website shows where the tens of thousands of grants and loans went throughout the U.S.

This spending is not blind; it has gone toward public-sector unions and units of government largely controlled by Democrats.  Like Daley I, Obama is using federal dollars to assure the long-term electoral security of his party.  Consequently, he does not want Republicans to have any input; it would only interfere.  The only constraint  President Obama faces is that he desperately wants to raise the debt limit, but for that, he needs House cooperation.

Since the House refuses to raise the debt limit, Obama seeks to turn the voters against the Republicans and win the House back.  Here lies his weakness: Chicago is so small by comparison that once the mayor gets elected, he need not worry about losing power.  He always controls everything.  Obama has to compromise with the House, but he has no experience doing so.  The only strategy he can use now is rhetorical: he makes outrageous policy statements, such as extreme statements on gun control or doomsday predictions regarding the effects of sequestration.

President Obama is confined by this paradigm, because he has no understanding of, or inclination to engage in, the legislative process.  He made a mistake when he assumed that the Republicans would panic at the sequestration of Defense Dept. spending.  He assumed they would give in and not allow any of their defense lobbyists' programs to be cut.  This is primarily because he assumes that the GOP thinks the same way he does: that rewarding campaign contributors takes the highest priority. 

President Clinton worked with Speaker Newt Gingrich and was able to accomplish many notable legislative milestones; Obama has no interest in doing so.

President Obama's weakness, then, derives from what he thinks is his strength.  Because he does not have to deal with the legislature, he does not understand  politicking.  In his view of governing, his only hope is to raise the debt limit and once again achieve majority control of the House.  This may be unlikely, but his governing paradigm won't allow any other option.

President Obama did not become president with the intention of ruling as an autocrat.  It is more accurate to say that autocracy is the only style of political leadership he knows.  The frustration he feels toward Speaker Boehner

has two causes: he sees Boehner as refusing to acknowledge his role as the ruler of government, and secondly, he sees Boehner as interfering with his primary goal of achieving electoral security through spending.  Their standoff is that Obama feels that Boehner has no clout, while Boehner feels that Obama is not playing by the rules of order -- that Obama is not allowing Republicans and their constituents to have any input into federal government.

i. See Clout, Boss, and American Pharaoh.

ii. Pharaoh, p. 144

iii. Id.

iv. Id.

v. Clout, p. 13

vi. Lasswell, p. 3.

vii. Clout.


Cohen, Adam, and Elizabeth Taylor, 2000.  American Pharoah: Mayor Richard J. Daley, His Battle for Chicago and the Nation. New York: Little Brown, and Co.

Lasswell, Harold D. 1950. Politics: Who gets what, when, how. New York: Peter Smith.

O'Connor, Len. 1975. Clout: Mayor Daley and his city. Chicago: Henry Regnery Co.

Royko, Mike. 1971. Boss: Richard J. Daley of Chicago. New York: New American Library.

Winning the Message

Republicans lost the presidential election by a hairs breadth, and the echo chambers rang with cries of fixing the message. Republicans were beaten up over the Obama tax hikes, and once again, the echo chambers rang with cries of fixing the message. Then came the debt ceiling and now the sequester. No matter the issue, Republicans seem to find themselves on the losing side of public opinion; baffled and with no plan to fix it. Some suggest that Republicans should pander to 50% plus one of the voters. Others suggest that the messaging should be adapted to appeal to not-old, not-white, not-men. What if the strategists are baffled because the voting results and poll numbers are poor indicators? What if the message already resonates with the vast majority of Americans, and it is only the delivery that needs to be addressed? 

When people are polled on their beliefs, the Republican Party is in the minority on nothing. The Republican Party aligns best with the country, often on the 70 and 80 percent sides of important issues. No wonder the strategists are baffled. How can 80% of Americans think they are overtaxed and have no trust in government, but then side with President Obama's plans to raise taxes and grow government? How can 80% think that the Federal government has a spending problem, and then side with Obama's plans to spend more?
There is a disconnect between beliefs, knowledge and the political reality. Why?

President Obama can say anything he wishes, to any depth of deception, and with few exceptions, the press will not only accept it, but protect it; meanwhile, the People are prevented from hearing the unfiltered Republican message. The media filter is so effective, that many conservatives think Republicans have been mute on the most important issues. Did you know that Republicans have already attempted to divert the sequester, twice? Have you not heard the raucous applause at rallies where Republicans talk about their plans and vision? The vast majority of Republicans are great and on-message, but as long as the media bias exists, that message will be obscured from the public eye; replaced with Democratic dogma and deception. There are a handful of old-fashioned reporters for whom the dogma and deception can be too deep, and who, on rare occasion, do call out Obama, but rather than prying them open, these chinks in the media carapace have too frequently been given the cold shoulder treatment.

These problems can be fixed by following 6 basic rules.

1) Re-befriend the media. Media bias exists because journalists are taught to be propagandists. They are told that "news" exists to influence people to their way of thinking, and their way of thinking has been carefully indoctrinated by "teachers" who were themselves "taught" that it was their job to indoctrinate people with communism (thank you, Bill Ayers). The media is largely unaware that this bias even exists, because most everyone is indoctrinated, and there is no challenge to it. Indoctrination requires a lie with which to suck people in, and a lack of challenge. Challenge that lie, and the indoctrination will crumble.

How many reporters want a society where taxes are funneled into deep pockets of millionaire contributors, or think that it is "just" that a woman should have to turn down a $5,000 promotion, else lose out on $50,000 of government programs? How many reporters honestly believe that politicians and their aristocracy should receive special treatment under the law? A person who believes in the privacy of the bedroom, equality, and justice, cannot possibly support an intrusive government that pins people on the bottom rung, creating a two-class society of aristocrats and slaves. Find the tyranny, injustice and inequality in the Democratic plans, and engage the media. There are chinks in the armor, and they need to be widened. An informed and truly neutral media is better than all of the rest of these rules combined. Be a media influencer, not a media suck-up or evader.

2) Stick by your principles, regardless of what the polls show. If you say that government spending is out of control, then at least act like it is. To complain about government spending and then pass $20 billion in pork, or warn about the scope of government and then expand it, are the pinnacles of hypocrisy. Ignore the polls. The media likes to use push polls that misinform participants, or incurious opinion polls that provide little insight. Do what you believe is best, be consistent with your principles, explain your reasons clearly, and people will side with you after all the hype is over.

3) Keep it simple, honest, and sharp. Media bias is an umbrella, and drizzling facts and figures will never get through it. Use a lightning bolt. For example, the debt ceiling: Every dollar we authorize gets printed. It is counterfeiting, causes inflation, and makes the poor poorer. This changes the argument from an esoteric one on borrowing, to a simple and real one on how it affects people. Explain the sequester: Instead of raising spending by 5 cents per dollar, we are only raising it by 3 cents per dollar. The sequester is an increase!? Then what are Obama and the media demagoguing about? On immigration: Why would people want to come to a country where aristocrats can make them poor, but not starving, when they just fled such a country? We want people who want a shot at prosperity, not people who want more of what everyone else fled from. Pro-immigrant, pro-American, and anti-Democrat, all in two sentences.
4) Find real examples. If you cannot find someone who was harassed out of business, or encouraged to move overseas by government, then you did not look. Our government *bleeps* people. Some of our agencies think it is their job to *bleep* people. Here is a hint: the executive keeps a list of places that are "dangerous" to inspect, because Federal agents have felt "threatened" there before. Visit those companies, and you will have your horror stories.

5) End the circular firing squad. Some might think this refers to primary battles: wrong. Republicans have a penchant for helping the media defame other Republicans. When a Democrat does something wrong, the Democrats circle the wagons. When a Republican sticks his foot in his mouth, Republicans circle up and aim inwards. The McCain and Graham attacks on Rand Paul are only the latest example. Sometimes, the Republican does not even get his foot near his mouth, so the media helps. Mourdock was attacked and almost left hanging in the breeze, for something he did not even come close to saying. Before commenting on something, find out if it is even true.

6) Stop being petty. Stop arguing like a child being bullied on the playground. If the bully (Obama) says, "your mom is fat," and you get into a back-and-forth over who's mother is fat, then the bully's friends (news media) will decide in favor of the bully. Making things worse is that nobody cares. It just becomes another petty argument for you to lose. Focus on the core issue at hand: big government is a big failure, and an albatross around our necks. The Republican plan is to re-evaluate the size and scope of government, bring it back to the core missions, and lift a weight off of the People.

The successes of the 1980's and mid-1990's were due to a simple and powerful message; when government is the problem, less government is the solution. The failures of the late 2000's began to occur as the message was clouded by contradictory actions. The party of "government is the problem" became the party of "throw good money after bad." The party of big ideas became the party of single-issue pandering and demagoguing. The party of reason became the party of "gotcha" politics and spineless compromise. The winning message is still at the core of the Republican Party and philosophy, and still resonates with the vast majority of the American People; Republicans just need to do a better job of living by and championing it. Following these 6 rules is a good way to start.

The Most Open Administration in History

In 1939, Konrad Heiden, an influential Jewish journalist and historian of the Weimar Republic and Nazi eras, wrote The New Inquisition. In the introduction to this book, Hendrik Willem Van Loon wrote: 

Adolf Hitler, I regret to say, does not yet belong to history in the accepted sense of the word. He is still making history and apparently will continue to do so for a great many years to come. Yet I have a feeling that the future historians will attribute his unparalleled triumphs over the forces of democracy to his marvelous gift for handling that most recent and deadly of all weapons -- wholesale propaganda.
Even today... we can follow his career and understand his success by making a study of his propagandistic methods, for it is only along that line that he has shown any sort of originality of thought [.]

[Hitler] fully comes up to our worst expectations; for propaganda... has nothing whatsoever to do with even an approximation to the truth. On the contrary, the Truth, as such, is completely disregarded as an outworn and contemptible form of Jewish-Christian-Democratic sentimentalism. 'Feed the people your own lies,' the Fuhrer proclaims... 'But be careful to feed them your lies so insistently and so persistently that in the end they are bound to believe you. Once you have reached that point, there is nothing more to fear, for then the whole world is at your mercy."

Consider that we have a president whose word simply cannot be trusted. Alan Caruba calls him a "Wannabe Dictator" and Obama's own words prove the case. He bypasses Congress at every turn and his executive orders "grant [him] total power over every aspect of life in America in the event of an emergency or attack." Additionally Obama has learned well the import of Hitler's comment that "all propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate itself to the comprehension of the least intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach."
Additionally, Obama is just fine with

• A Department of Justice memo outlining his plan to kill American citizens at will.
• A Marxist aversion to capitalism, the engine that has made America so successful.
• An unrelenting assault on rich people, while hypocritically taking their donations for his own use and all the while actually threatening the livelihood of the middle class.
• A constant and unremitting debt that threatens to destroy the fabric of this country. In this clip Ronald Reagan "warned us about Obama." since it is completely unsustainable for any country to maintain such debt.
• Deluging the country with immigration reform that threatens to add at least seven million people to Obamacare.
• The continuing breach of law in order to bring undocumented people into the Democratic party, a crass and boldfaced move if ever there was one.
• The incremental effort to disarm American citizens.
• Stonewalling on Benghazi.
• Prevaricating about the Fast and Furious debacle.
• The hollowing out of the military, which can only serve to weaken the United States from defending itself.
• Showing more allegiance to United Nations decisions than those in the best interests of the United States.
• Appointing advisors who advocate invading Israel while publicly giving money to America's and Israel's enemies.
• Appointments whose antisemitic stench is now out in the open. Unlike Hitler, who openly endorsed anti-Semitism, Obama knowingly associates himself with countless antisemites, i.e., Jeremiah Wright, Rashid Khalidi, Samantha Powers, Bill Ayers, Louis Farrakhan. He takes no steps to disavow himself from these associations.

Obama's lies about Obamacare are legion. For years, Betsy McCaughey, former lieutenant governor of New York, has been warning of the coming disaster known as Obamacare. In her latest book Beating Obamacare: Your Handbook for Surviving the New Health Care Law, we learn about all the dire consequences of a law that Obama hailed as good for America. Obama lied when he claimed that Obamacare would actually reduce premiums; the IRS now explains that Obamacare will cost families at least $20,000 per year.

Increasingly, Americans are getting very concerned with the fact that Obama advocates a "Civilian National Security Force." It is "well known among dictators... that a private army is necessary to control the great unwashed masses over which they force their rule." In fact, a little-known provision about this security force in Obamacare should alarm many people as evidenced in this You Tube clip.

Equally chilling is the fact that "the Obama administration has been buying and storing vast amounts of ammunition in recent months, with the Department of Homeland Security just placing another order for an additional 21.6 million rounds." Answers are not forthcoming and the Department of Homeland Security "illegally blacked out information on a solicitation after attention started being directed toward them." The firepower that the DHS has stockpiled since last spring would be sufficient "to shoot every American about five times."

As Erik Rush has stated "far more dangerous and terrifying than Obama's utter disregard for the Constitution is the abject treason of this president." According to Rush, Obama has met with the Chinese "to find out if the Chinese [are] open to a land and resource swap for debt forgiveness." This would translate into the Chinese obtaining American land in payment of the U.S. debt to China.

Thus, 'by his incessant and endlessly repeated campaign of slander and despicable innuendo, Hitler had at last done what he had set out to do.' Meanwhile, what have we -- the people of the western democracies -- done to counteract this danger and what are we doing today to protect ourselves against the campaign of detraction which is now being directed against us?

We continue to prattle sweetly about Free Speech and allow heavy booted boys in foreign uniforms to insult the memory of George Washington...


by our willful indulgence... we are directly contributing toward the success of that enemy within our gates who openly boasts of his intentions to destroy the form of government under which we have now lived for a century and a half [.]
This small volume of Konrad Heiden... is the sort of book which every American should read but which few so far have taken the trouble to read because 'such things could not possibly happen over here!'
This is exactly what all decent Germans said, only six short years ago. But they have lived to see the day when the fair name of their country has been turned into a byword of contempt [.]

The only thing that Obama has been honest about is his desire to bring change. Had more Americans inquired what kind of change, Obama would never have made it to the White House.

If the House of Representatives does not retain Republican control in 2014, there will be no stopping Obama. He won't need his executive orders any longer and his power will be untrammeled. It can happen here.

Only 74 years ago, the warning siren was sounded and ultimately ignored. As Obama continues his travesties upon America, will Americans finally wake up? Or are we doomed to see Obama's lies, stealth, and wickedness bring down this experiment in freedom known as the United States of America?

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