Friday, March 8, 2013

It's a party ... NOT

Ew. Stop That.


What a mess. Insurance isn't approving my prescription for my cellulitis so I'm having to jump through some hoops today with the hopes of resolving this. The problem is that I'm allergic to just about everything so they have to dig deep and expensive in the drug book in order to fight this. So I cancelled my eye appointment, going to be giving blood again for labwork and seeing another doctor this afternoon. And then running back to the pharmacy to hopefully get a prescription.

I also have to stop by the library because I have three holds to pick up. When it rains, it pours.

I also have to pick up some dog food for the boys because they are out. I really need to get some groceries too but I'll play that by ear I guess.

We had to go to the Friends of the NRA banquet last night because Steve is a sponsor. I won a rifle. We've never won anything over the years. We're going to sell this. Steve maintains it's mine and he continues his unblemished losing streak. I told him they said "Madsen" so that is a win-win in my book.

So, after all this running around, I plan to then park on the couch for the weekend and read.

Much love,
PK the Bookeemonster 

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