Wednesday, April 6, 2022




The 100 Day Project:


 Day 52:


 Peach jade and the rest is from Jesse James Beads subscription box April.

 Why the face above?

Sales person turned in notice this morning but not giving two weeks. 


It's a mixed blessing because he sucks as a salesperson, never returns calls, misses A LOT of days each year, etc. etc. But we're already short handed and I'm sure it will be a while before we get someone hired.

Coda's leg is infected again and I'm losing the battle.


 I'm dosing him with antibiotics as of this morning so cross your fingers. Otherwise, it will probably be amputation this time if I can't heal it myself.

Steve won the election at the gun range so he is now VP. Stress will be forthcoming.


 And I don't have enough time during the day to get my work done because of wearing multiple hats already. I'm sure I'll have to take on the sales stuff, too.


 Steve has the gun range tonight. I need to make Day 53 necklace. I have some pretty beads arriving today so that will hopefully be do-able.

 Have a good day


Much love,

PK the Bookeemonster

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