Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Face plant! (This made me laugh out loud, really)

Last night the mid-season return of Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. was very good. So happy.

So tonight I have the season two premiere of Broadchurch on BBCAmerica. I'm so excited. I binge watched this in December I think it was, around or just after Christmas. And fell in love both with the show and David Tennant. Finally! Season Two!  It already showed in the UK starting in January and I've been studiously avoiding reading anything about it to avoid any spoilers.

If you've not seen season one, it is a must to see it in order. If you've not seen season one ... ferheavenssakes why not? Fantastic drama.

There's another clip that is fabulous but it gives away whodunnit in season one so I won't share it here. DO NOT DISTURB from 8 until 9 tonight. :)

And the CS Harris book is wonderful. What a great week ... until tomorrow evening. Bah.

Much love,
PK the Bookeemonster

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