Monday, August 7, 2023

Monday? The hell you say


Finished Cassiel's Servant by Jacqueline Carey. Four stars. It got an extra star for nostalgia. It was good, not great. It's a re-telling of a previous book from the other main character's point of view. Other than the beginning, showing how Joscelin grew up and was trained as a knight-priest of Cassiel, it didn't add anything new to the overall story of Phedra and Joscelin. I'm therefore glad I didn't do a re-read of the first book as I had planned but didn't get to. If you're interested in that trilogy -- and it's a *great* one --  particularly for fantasy-romance lovers, start with KUSHIEL'S DART. 

Also this weekend, I'm calling myself finished with MAGNOLIA PARKS by Jessa Hastings. One star and that is because I'm giving it to myself  because I attempted to read it. I knew what it was going into it but with some books, I like to form my own opinion from reading it myself. I compared this somewhat to LESS THAN ZERO by Bret Easton Ellis, a book and a movie from the 80s. Uber-rich, over-privileged, shallow young people manufacturing angst about their "horrible" lives. This book adds extremely toxic relationships and what I can only describe as mental illness - narcissism and objectifying. Status via brand name dropping -- one could get plastered from a drinking game based on all the brand name dropping. Anyone entering the room is described in detail from head to toe what they're wearing as if it means something -- and to that crowd it does. This "romance" story is not love and sadly there is a generation growing up believing that it is. This was my first GarbAugust read for this month. Overall, not a book for me.

As a palette cleanser, I'm reading  EXCLUSIVELY YOURS by Shannon Stacey. 1st of 10 in Kowalski Family category romances.

When Keri Daniels' editor finds out she has previous carnal knowledge of reclusive bestselling author Joe Kowalski, she gives Keri a choice: get an interview or get a new job.Joe's never forgotten the first girl to break his heart, so he's intrigued to hear Keri's back in town and looking for him. Despite his intense need for privacy, he'll grant Keri an interview if it means a chance to finish what they started in high school. He proposes an outrageous plan for every day she survives with his family on their annual camping and four-wheeling trip, Keri can ask one question. Keri agrees; she's worked too hard to walk away from her career. But the chemistry between them is still as potent as the bug spray, Joe's sister is out to avenge his broken heart and Keri hasn't ridden an ATV since she was ten. Who knew a little blackmail, a whole lot of family and some sizzling romantic interludes could make Keri reconsider the old dream of Keri & Joe 2gether 4ever.

Published 2010; 322 pages. Shannon Stacey's books for some reason make me smile and aren't usually too silly.

And I started HARD KNOCKS by Nathan Lowell. 3rd of 3 in  SC Marva Collins sci fi trilogy.

It pays to take a second look. In the Deep Dark, it's a long walk home.The Marva Collins runs into unexpected problems a long way from port. Faced with some hard decisions, and uncertain about the choices, Ishmael has to roll the dice with inadequate information. Is he sailing too close to the edge of forever?

Published 2023; 417 pages.

No real plans this evening other than reading, of course. I'll be watching some sprints after getting home and taking care of Keo. 

 Have a good day

Much love,

PK the Bookeemonster

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