Saturday, March 17, 2012


I had fun for the two hours at the gun show being at the table for Rehberg. However, the way I was feeling by the end, I was glad when my shift was over. :) I had the earliest shift - 9 to 11 -- and thought maybe with the parade going on downtown it would be slow-ish but it filled up pretty quickly. Of course, gun shows probably have the constituents leaning more to the right so not a hostile environment.

We were going to take Coda in to the vet to check out his foot but Steve wanted to wait until I got home and by then the places were going to be charging emergency rates so we will wait.

It is amazing, it is the middle of March in Montana and we're wearing tshirts and I was out walking barefoot. This winter is so mild. Last winter, we had snow for 100+ days I think. Now, on the flip side, I hope we're not looking at consecutive days of hot hot hot this summer. But it would be nice to have some good thunderstorms to watch.

Still trying to figure out what to stick with next in my reading. I have a couple histmysts from the library on Kindle by unknown authors that I could commit to or several hystmyst authors I have here or some nonfiction. I don't know my mood yet.

Tonight Cops isn't on again and I'm suggesting we do a Pay per View movie, ones I'd really like to see. Either The Three Musketeers or Atlas Shrugged Part 1 are a couple for me.

All right, off you go.

Much love,
PK the Bookeemonster

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