Sunday, August 5, 2012

That's why I'm a pro

Yeah .... not a lot happened today. Just keeping the leg elevated, yes, on the couch. I did get some clothes laundry done and vacuumed the living room.

I'm currently reading WHY NATIONS FAIL: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty by Daron Acemoglu and James Robinson. Here is a description: 

Brilliant and engagingly written, Why Nations Fail answers the question that has stumped the experts for centuries: Why are some nations rich and others poor, divided by wealth and poverty, health and sickness, food and famine? Is it culture, the weather, geography? Perhaps ignorance of what the right policies are? Simply, no. None of these factors is either definitive or destiny. Otherwise, how to explain why Botswana has become one of the fastest growing countries in the world, while other African nations, such as Zimbabwe, the Congo, and Sierra Leone, are mired in poverty and violence? Acemoglu and Robinson conclusively show that it is man-made political and economic institutions that underlie economic success (or lack of it). Based on fifteen years of original research Acemoglu and Robinson marshall extraordinary historical evidence from the Roman Empire, the Mayan city-states, medieval Venice, the Soviet Union, Latin America, England, Europe, the United States, and Africa to build a new theory of political economy with great relevance for the big questions of today. Why Nations Fail will change the way you look at—and understand—the world.
It was published in March 2012 and has 544 pages. I have this as a digital loan from the library on my Kindle.  And it has already changed the way I understand the way the world works first because of the choices made in the past centuries.
Fiction-wise I'll getting into a Kate Sedley historical mystery. More on that tomorrow.
I don't know if I'll be going to work tomorrow; I'll have to play it by ear. It may be that my getting better will be better served if I stay home and keep the leg elevated. I don't know yet.
Much love,
PK the Bookeemonster

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