Tuesday, September 13, 2016

This is going to be hard

The most difficult part of going on an actual vacation is leaving my boys. Oh how it hurts.

So much to do in the next few hours so I'm not going to think about that.

I'm currently reading THE SHATTERED TREE by Charles Todd. 8th of 8 in series featuring Bess Crawford, a British army nurse in WWI.

At the foot of a tree shattered by shelling and gunfire, stretcher-bearers find an exhausted officer, shivering with cold and a loss of blood from several wounds. The soldier is brought to battlefield nurse Bess Crawford’s aid station, where she stabilizes him and treats his injuries before he is sent to a rear hospital. The odd thing is, the officer isn’t British—he’s French. But in a moment of anger and stress, he shouts at Bess in German. When Bess reports the incident to Matron, her superior offers a ready explanation. The soldier is from Alsace-Lorraine, a province in the west where the tenuous border between France and Germany has continually shifted through history, most recently in the Franco-Prussian War of 1870, won by the Germans. But is the wounded man Alsatian? And if he is, on which side of the war do his sympathies really lie? Of course, Matron could be right, but Bess remains uneasy—and unconvinced. If he was a French soldier, what was he doing so far from his own lines . . . and so close to where the Germans are putting up a fierce, last-ditch fight? When the French officer disappears in Paris, it’s up to Bess—a soldier’s daughter as well as a nurse—to find out why, even at the risk of her own life.
Published in 2016, it has 304 pages. 

I'll have my Kindle, my Kindle Fire, and my cell with me so I'll be connected but typing one button at a time is ridiculous so I'll see you next Monday.

Have a great few days! Be safe and happy!

Much love,
PK the Bookeemonster

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