Monday, December 4, 2023

Monday, I don't acknowledge thee


The weekend went pretty well. Started the afghan birthday present (January due date). I continued reading the Cogman book. I'm about 60% in it I think. The world building and magic system is absolutely consistent and mind-blowing. 

The next prompt for the scavenger hunt is "flip a coin" and is already this coming weekend. I wanted to choose from something I already had and a historical mystery and a first in a series I've been meaning to get to. 

And the winner of the coin toss was ...

A DEADLY AFFAIR by Carla Simpson. 1st of 7 in Angus Brodie and Mikaela Forsythe historical mystery series.

London 1889 — Murder, mystery, and two people in a most unlikely partnership. She's an unconventional lady who has traveled the world, practices the art of self defense most excellently, and has an interesting tattoo in, ahem... a very unusual place. He's a former member of the Metropolitan Police, now a private investigator, who grew up on the poverty ridden streets of Edinburgh and has worked the dangerous back alleys of London's notorious East End. A vicious murder brings them together in a race against time that takes them from the sordid back streets of London into the elite private clubs of the powerful and rich, to find the killer before he strikes again and prevent a deadly scheme. A scandalous affair, deceptions, and secrets will challenge what they know and what they believe.

Published 2022; 326 pages.

And I was kinda bad this weekend. I got myself a Scribe Kindle which lets you write notes in it. I'm going to use it for research purposes and that's my big project for 2024. It's sort of like a cross between a Kindle and a tablet. It will be here Thurday or Friday.

No sprints tonight. I'll probably make sausage balls for dinner. Read, crochet, Booktube to watch, etc. Or I could just go to bed depending on how the day goes. 

Have a good day

Much love,

PK the Bookeemonster

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