Sunday, March 15, 2009

Shhhh ... it's Sunday

Sundays can be a quiet, contemplative sort of day. Or a day of taking in something cultural. A day for visits to the library, the zoo, or the museum. In fact, today's Blog/Website of the Day is the Museum of Bad Art (MOBA) found at and is the world's only museum dedicated to the collection, preservation, exhibition and celebration of bad art in all its forms. If you don't feel like leaving home, check out this site.

Almost done with BLEEDING HEART SQUARE by Andrew Taylor. There are parts I enjoy and then are parts I'd like to skip over. There were some good ideas in this story but somehow just isn't do it for me overall.

I have some homework to do today for the Nonprofit Enterprise class I'm participating in as well as some house cleaning. Steve is off at his class again today and won't be home until late afternoon. Supposed to be in the upper 50s again so I'll open some windows to get fresh air circulating a bit.

My cold symptoms come and go in their bothering-ment. Taking it easy today and drinking lots of fluids, yada yada yada. Reading, napping, online stuff, walking Tug, figuring out dinner, etc. etc.

I leave you with this photo that was in today's CuteOverload. The poor puppy, but how patient he is!

Much love,
PK the Bookeemonster

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