Tuesday, July 20, 2010

No, that's a downgrade, honey

It's almost 9:00. I'm tired in general and drained from the day. No Teaser Tuesday tonight.

I cleared a lot of work objects today at work. Saw the unemployment numbers for last month for Montana (7.2%) which during summer is not good and probably means we'll trigger back on the EB pretty quickly after the 13 week down time. It means some job security for me but it sucks working those claims. Also looks like the Senate is going to pass the extension to the TEMPORARY Emergency Unemployment program that was iniated two years ago. Some people have been on unemployment for 99 weeks. When do you say enough? I appreciated being on it when I had to but I swear there is a higher percentage than you'd care to think that say once the benefits are done then THAT is when they'd better go get a job.

After work I got groceries then walked Tug. We had dinner while watching Deadliest Catch. Once again, I have to say do they really have to drag out Captain Phil's death this long? Every week it's like ripping the scab off and both Steve and I cry. Next week is apparently the season finale.

I'll finish this up and then head for bed to keep reading THE PASSAGE. I don't know why but it makes you think about it when you're not reading it. I think for me post-apocalyptic books do that anyway. I'm still haunted by THE ROAD by Cormac McCarthy. That's a difficult book and I did it in audiobook form. No way am I watching the movie of that one even if it does have Viggo in it.

Next up after THE PASSAGE, I think will be the new Priscilla Royal historical mystery, VALLEY OF DRY BONES. I obtained an ARC via a website and it's on my Kindle. A month early. Woot! And I don't have to purchase it now. Double woot! Remind me next Tuesday to tell you what books I'm anticipating in August -- there's a handful.

I'm taking tomorrow off, working four 10s with no overtime. I'm figuring that the extra time would be of better use than the extra money. I've had no time to work on the newsletter but I can devote a few hours tomorrow.
Tug is aroo-ing. Have a good night.
Much love,
PK the Bookeemonster

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